Even - Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
2025年3月3日 · Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory Even assists Ienzo and Ansem the Wise in studying the memories in Kairi's heart, with the aim of finding clues to Sora's whereabouts. Eventually, Kairi awakens with a clue from her memories of Terra-Xehanort.
Even - Kingdom Hearts Wiki
Even's appearance matches his Nobody's appearance exactly, except for the differing outfits and his eyes, which are a brighter shade of green. He wears a long white lab coat, grey vest, white collared shirt, and a purple ascot. He also seems to wear black pants and silver lined boots identical to those worn by Organization XIII members.
Even - Kingdom Hearts Database
Even is the human form of Vexen who served as an apprentice to Xehanort in Radiant Garden. After becoming whole and waking in Radiant Garden, Even goes missing. Dilan and Aeleus search for him unsuccessfully, leaving Ienzo to fear that he has joined the Real Organization XIII. [1] This page was last edited on 24 September 2022, at 19:00.
Even - Kingdom Hearts Wiki - Neoseeker
2012年11月23日 · Even is the original persona, or "somebody", of Vexen. He used to be a researcher at the Radiant Garden who studied the heart. He was one of the six apprentices of Ansem the Wise, along with...
Even - Kingdom Hearts Characters - KH13 · for Kingdom Hearts
Even (formerly known as Vexen) is a former member of the original Organization XIII and a supposed current member of the “true” organization. Even is very proud and egotistical, often putting his research and scientific experiments at the forefront of his focus.
2021年4月22日 · Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory CUTSCENES Even Here are all the cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory that feature Even. Watch all cutscenes featuring Vexen/Even from every...
Even | J. Tom's Kingdom Hearts Wiki | Fandom
Even is one of Ansem the Wise's six apprentices, as well as the human form of Vexen.
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Even Voice - Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory (Video Game)
Derek Stephen Prince is the English dub voice of Even in Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory, and Shigeru Chiba is the Japanese voice. Video Game: Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory Franchise: Kingdom Hearts
Explore the Best Kh_even Art - DeviantArt
Want to discover art related to kh_even? Check out amazing kh_even artwork on DeviantArt. Get inspired by our community of talented artists.
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