KHangMan - KDE 应用程序
KHangMan 是基于著名猜单词游戏的一款游戏,游戏对象为六岁以上儿童。 本游戏有多种类型的单词可供游玩,例如:动物 (动物单词),及三种不同难度的分类:简单、中等和困难。
KHangMan - KDE Applications
KHangMan is a game based on the well-known hangman game. It is aimed at children aged six and over. The game has several categories of words to play with, for example: Animals (animals words) and three difficulty categories: Easy, Medium and Hard.
KHangMan - Wikipedia
KHangMan is an educational computer game designed for young children based on the classic Hangman game. It is part of the KDE Software Compilation, specifically, in the kdeedu package. [2] The application features four themes (sea, winter, bee, and desert).
語言_KHangMan - KDE 應用程式
KHangMan 是一套基於廣為人知的劊子手遊戲 hangman 的遊戲。 目標是讓六歲以上的孩子們學習單字。 這個遊戲有一些不同類別的單字,例如動物(跟動物相關的單字),有三種不同困難等級。
KHangMan - KDE UserBase Wiki
2010年12月28日 · KHangMan is a game to play with words. It is part of the KDE Education Project. You have to guess the correct word by input new characters from time to time. If the character is correct you'll see the position of the letter in your word, otherwise you'll see your hang progress. KHangman is the classical hangman game.
在 Linux 上安装 KHangMan - Flathub
KHangMan 是基于著名猜单词游戏的一款游戏,游戏对象为六岁以上儿童。 本游戏有多种类型的单词可供游玩,例如:动物 (动物单词),及三种不同难度的分类:简单、中等和困难。
KHangMan é um jogo da forca para a Compilação de Software KDE 4. O jogo é ideal para crianças a partir dos 6 anos 1 e possui várias categorias de palavras, em 24 idiomas, sendo que o usuário pode, também, adicionar suas próprias categorias, se desejar 2 . Há vários níveis de dificuldade: fácil, médio, difícil e uma categoria que ...
KHangMan is a game based on the well-known hangman game. It is aimed at children aged six and over. The game has several categories of words to play with and among them: Animals, Clothing, Computers, Currencies, Easy and Fruits. A word is picked at random, the letters are hidden, and you must guess the word by trying one letter after another.
KDE/khangman: A hangman game - GitHub
A hangman game. Contribute to KDE/khangman development by creating an account on GitHub.
Make your own Hangman
Send your friends a link to a hangman game using your customized word/phrases. You can text the link, share it on social media, or just visit the page on your phone for a simple game of 2 player hangman. Enter your word list below with each word on its own line. Create online hangman with your own words.
khangman: The classical hangman game by KDE | khangman …
KHangMan is a game based on the well known hangman game. It is aimed for children 6 and above. It has several word categories like Animals, Clothing, Computers, Currencies and more. A word is picked at random and the letters are hidden. …
Hangman - Play the Word Game Online at Coolmath Games
Guess the letters in the secret word to solve the puzzle. You can guess a letter by clicking it or typing it on your keyboard. You'll score points for each correct letter you guess, and if you solve the word, you score for how fast you get it and how many balloons you had left.
KHangMan Educational Game | CONNECTwww.com
2023年11月30日 · KHangMan is a free and open source hangman game for Linux. It tailored specifically for children aged six and above. It comes with diverse word categories, such as Animals, and offers three levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, and Hard.
Install KHangMan on Linux - Flathub
2025年2月6日 · KHangMan is a game based on the well-known hangman game. It is aimed at children aged six and over. The game has several categories of words to play with, for example: Animals (animals words) and three difficulty categories: Easy, Medium and Hard.
khangman(6) - Arch manual pages
KHangMan is a game based on the well known hangman game. It is aimed for children 6 and above. It has several word categories like Animals, Clothing, Computers, Currencies and more. A word is picked at random and the letters are hidden. …
The KHangMan Handbook - docs.kde.org
KHangMan is the classic hangman game for children.
The KHangMan Open Source Project on Open Hub
KHangman is the classical hangman game. The child should guess a word letter by letter. At each miss, the picture of a hangman appears. After 10 tries, if the word is not guessed, the game is over and the answer is displayed. A hint can be shown to help you guess the word. You can use the game to improve your vocabulary in other languages.
Chapter 1. Introduction - KDE
KHangMan is a game based on the well-known hangman game. It is aimed at children aged six and over. The game has several categories of words to play with and among them: Animals, Clothing, Computers, Currencies, Easy and Fruits. A word is picked at random, the letters are hidden, and you must guess the word by trying one letter after another.
First thing we actually need, is to create a word list according to our requirements. Here, we will start out with a word list of countries. So we will create a sort of table, consisting of the name of the country & its hint as well. Care should be taken while devising a good hint for each country. Making it too much predictable should be avoided.
Chapter 2. Using KHangMan - KDE
Here you can see KHangMan as it is the first time you run it. Category is Animals, language is default (English here, the default is your current KDE language if the data exists), the theme is “ Notes ”. Any changes in category, language or theme (background) are written in the configuration file and restored in your next game.