Detailed avionics part information page for BendixKing KMA-24H Audio Panel with price, availability, stock, inventory, features, specifications, and description.
Push button simplicity puts complete, flexible audio control right at your fingertips with Bendix/King’s easy-to-use KMA 24 and KMA 24H systems. Each is self-contained, all solid-state and stands only 1.3 inches high in your Silver Crown stack. The “slant top” package tailors it for the top slot in your instrument panel.
The KMA 24H controls up to five transceivers and five receivers, or four transceivers and six receivers. The KMA 24H replaces the internal marker beacon receiver with an intercom, which provides unprecedented flexibility. The intercom features capability for hot mike, voice activation (VOX), or keyed activation of up to five intercom stations.
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KMA-24H (-70 series) Audio Panel and Intercom - Bennett …
The KMA-24H is a variation of the standard King KMA-24 audio panel. The "H" version replaces the straight KMA-24's marker beacon receiver and marker beacon lights with a five-place intercom. This intercom operates in the following modes: The pilot's microphone always has priority, muting the other intercom microphones when transmitting.
The KMA 24H controls up to 5 transceivers and 5 receivers, or 4 transceivers and 6 receivers. The KMA24H includes the internal marker beacon receiver and VOX intercom, which provides unprecedented flexibility. BENDIX KING® KMA 24 & KMA 24H Audio Panels are DISCONTINUED products.
BendixKing KMA-24H Audio/IC Panel - Sarasota Avionics
Push-button simplicity puts complete, flexible audio control right at your fingertips with Honeywell's easy-to-use Bendix/King KMA 24H system. The KMA 24H controls up to five transceivers and five receivers or four transceivers and six receivers.
Bendix King KMA 24 Audio Panel/Marker Beacon Receiver …
The KMA 24 is a compact, fully TSO’d solid-state unit containing a pushbutton audio selector panel speaker and headphone isolation amplifiers, and a marker beacon receiver. The unit has a low 1.3 inch profile for minimum panel area requirements.
066-1055-65 | Fieldtech Avionics & Instruments, Inc
The KMA-24H is an all solid state unit measuring 1.30 inches high, 6.31 inches wide, 6.49 inches deep and weighs 1.70 pounds. The KMA-24H operates at a temperature range of -20°C to +70°C. The KMA-24H is an upgrade of the standard KMA-24 audio panel replacing the straight KMA-24's marker beacon receiver and marker beacon lights with a five ...
KMA-24 Audio Panel & Marker Beacon Receiver - Bennett …
Take control of your radio stack! The KMA-24 is a standard King audio panel and a popular item. This TSO'd unit includes a marker beacon receiver, marker beacon lights, and full audio switching. The audio switching features separate "alternate-action" pushbuttons and isolation amplifiers for both headphones and the cabin speaker.