2019年8月22日 · KMI is a combination of nearly 1,200,000 lines of contractor-developed software code, custom-developed hardware in the form of an Advanced Key Processor (AKP), AKP Crypto Ignition Key (CIK) and Type 1 token for user authentication, and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software.
management client (MGC) - Glossary | CSRC
A configuration of a client node that enables a key management infrastructure (KMI) external operational manager to manage KMI products and services by either 1) accessing a PRSN or 2) exercising locally-provided capabilities. A management client (MGC) consists of a client platform and an advanced key processor (AKP). Sources: CNSSI 4009-2015
protection and use the LMD/KP (EKMS Accounts) and the Key Management Infrastructure MGC/AKP (KMI Operating Account). Additional requirements may be imposed by the Commandant of the Marine Corps...
Key Management Infrastructure - Headquarters Marine Corps
2021年11月5日 · The Key Management Infrastructure (KMI) - is a National Security Agency (NSA) led program, responsible for COMSEC key management, accounting and distribution....
Chapter 3 - Key Management Infrastructure Flashcards | Quizlet
The framework and service that provides the generation, production, storage, protection, distribution, control, tracking, and destruction for all cryptographic keying material, symmetric keys as well as public keys and public key certificates. 3.1 Introduction. KMI can deliver.
KMI replaces the legacy Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) to provide a means for securely ordering, generating, producing, distributing, managing, and auditing cryptographic products, to include encryption keys, cryptographic applications, and account management tools.
Army advances new cryptographic technology, reducing burden on …
2013年8月20日 · KMI is the first step in replacing the existing Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) with the more efficient KMI that will limit requirements for both physical products and manual delivery...
113-SS6B01 COMSEC Pesentation.pptx - Course Hero
2022年2月16日 · • COMSEC KMI Operational Account Manager (KOAM) is responsible for ensuring account is in compliance with existing COMSEC material security; accounting; operational policies and procedures; acquisition, control, and distribution of all classified COMSEC material and cryptographic key to support organizational missions; the supervision and ...
2019年8月22日 · KMI is intended to replace the legacy Electronic Key Management System to provide a means for securely ordering, generating, producing, distributing, managing, and auditing cryptographic products (e.g., encryption keys, cryptographic applications, and …
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Client Platform Administrator (CPA) ., KOA, Naval Communications Security Material System (NCMS) and more.
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