KMK Autos – BMW & MINI Specialist London , Car Service …
KMK Autos is an independent BMW specialist in South London, offering dealer-level BMW and MINI diagnostics, servicing, programming, and repairs. Our BMW & MINI repair garage in Croydon is equipped with the original BMW & MINI diagnostic system and all necessary BMW & MINI special tools, which allows our technicians to carry out fault finding ...
BMW Services - KMK Autos
We will update your BMW service record on the BMW OSS (Online Service System) and on the IDrive in your vehicle. For older BMWs, we use a dedicated KMK BMW & MINI service stamp.
BMW Service Costs - KMK Autos
Here you can see BMW Service pricing table of the most popular BMW models. If your model is not listed, please call us for a quick quote. Prices apply to engine size for diesel -max. 3000cc, petrol -max. 2000cc. Other engines – POA.
Top 10 Independent BMW Specialist London by Customer Reviews …
2022年4月23日 · KMK (4.9 stars) KMK are an independent BMW garage located in Croydon, South London & claim to offer the same level of servicing and have access to the same type of diagnostic tools as a BMW main dealer. KMK specialise in diagnostic, servicing, N47 timing chain replacement and DPF servicing and replacement. KMK are an independent BMW specialist ...
KMK Automotive - Car Servicing & Repairs Leatherhead
KMK Automotive is an independent family-run business based in Surrey. With auto repair branches in Leatherhead and Tadworth, we deliver exceptional vehicle repairs and services for all makes and models. Whether you need to repair a fault, or your MOT test is due, our Servicesure-approved auto centre has got you covered.
KMK Exclusive Automobiles LTD | Good Garage Guide - Honest John
Trusted, reviewed and verified garages in your area. I thoroughly recommend this outfit based upon my recent experience (13th Jan 2021). The iDrive on my BMW was playing up and constantly re-booting. I discussed this with Mindaugas over the phone and received a helpful breakdown of what was likely to be wrong.
BMW & Moovster Mobility-as-a-service for citizens of smart cities and in the workplace.
BMW Service – KMK Autos
We will update your BMW service record on the BMW OSS (Online Service System) and on the IDrive in your vehicle. For older BMWs, we use a dedicated KMK BMW & MINI service stamp.
List of modules and abbreviations | BimmerFest BMW Forum
2014年11月21日 · There are several modules, which have the same purpose, but different abbreviations, depending on the car, they are used in; perhaps, even different software developers at BMW might have used different abbreviations for the same thing (e.g. "KOM" / …
KMK Consulting Engineers | 工程设计 | 布里斯托尔 | 英国
我们提供定制的复杂机械和结构工程解决方案。 我们为各行各业的国内外知名客户提供服务,尤其擅长散装物料装卸。 自 1976 年以来,KMK 咨询工程师公司不断拓展知识领域,客户遍布国内外,公司的核心价值观是卓越、激情、诚信、勤奋和协作,与客户和供应商建立相互信任的关系。 该团队位于英国布里斯托尔,许多成员都是在为国际知名的 Strachan & Henshaw (现在的巴布科克) - 他们在机械和结构工程领域的专业技术享誉全球,包括 散装物料搬运机. 现在,KMK 咨询工 …