KONP SAP (Conditions (Item)) Table details - SE80
KONP is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Conditions (Item) data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. The KONP table consists of various fields, each holding specific information or linking keys about Conditions (Item) data available in SAP.
KONP - Conditions (Item) | LeanX
KONP (Conditions (Item)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link KONP to other SAP tables.
2017年11月28日 · KONH是条件技术中,用来记录条件记录号的抬头表,通过这个可以找到项目表中对应的金额。 1. KONH和KONP通过condition record no.匹配. 2. EINA和EINE通过info record no.匹配. 3. KONH/KONP和EINA/EINE之间没有直接匹配的字段,关联关系在KONH的Varkey字段里,这个字段组合了物料,供应商,采购组织,工厂,采购信息记录属性这些字段,成为一个字符串。 4. 如果信息记录是维护在指定工厂级的,那表A017就和KONH有了关联,在A017里 …
How to link to the KONP table from EINE or from EKKO/EKPO - SAP …
2007年7月19日 · You have link KONP with EINE through the table A017:Material Info Record (Plant-Specific) or Condition table or A018: Material Info Record. Link the table EINE and A017 with Vendor,Material,Pur.Org.Plant combination.For these values get the Condition record number KNUMH in A017.From this condition record number you can get the value in KONP.
Solved: difference between KONP and KONV - SAP Community
2008年2月3日 · KONV and KONP tables are both conditions tables. These tables are used when you want to find e.g : the Basic price value or excise duty values (just to name some ) . These tales store the values based on the document condition number. The Document Consition number(KONV-KNUMV) is number that gets generated whenever a PO or a sales order gets ...
Solved: KONV, KONP - SAP Community
2007年5月17日 · For this you have to understand the concept of condition technique in SAP. The different aspects involved in condition technique are procedure, access sequence, condition type, condition table, and condition records. Read about them and also the corresponding config steps, then you will understand the links.
【SAP】テーブル関連図(購買情報マスタ) | SAPコンサルブログ
製造業界、素材産業にて、sap erpの導入・保守を経験。会社の情報システム部門→外資系コンサル会社→育休→独立(フリーランス)。 sap導入プロジェクトの仕事をする傍ら、sapに関する情報をブログで発信。
SAP实施项目中,到了第3个阶段-实现阶段,在这个阶段,因为蓝图汇报已经结束,配置也差不多完成了,自开发还在进行中,SAP标准功能下,可以进行基础业务的前台操作了,在实现阶段的尾端,客户指定的关键用户(俗称KU-Key User)会进行前台业务操作和练习 ...
KONP (Conditions (Item)) Table in SAP - TCodeSearch.com
KONP is a standard Conditions Transparent Table in SAP SD application, which stores Conditions (Item) data. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition.
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