KPR | Story
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KPR NFT Floor Price Chart - CoinGecko
KPR (KPRV2) price floor today is $93.80, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.29 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 10,000 NFTs minted, held by 2,416 unique owners, and has a total market …
KPR NFT Latest Floor Price, Charts, and Market Cap Data - Forbes
KPR (KPRV2) is currently held by 2,431 owners, has a floor price of 0.1000 ETH ($329.02), and has a market cap of 999.57 ETH ($3.29 Million) which sums the values of all NFTs in this …
NFT史上最精良的網站設計,KPR能成為後起之秀嗎? | Anue鉅亨
2022年11月3日 · 最近的 NFT 市場似乎有著轉暖的跡象,前有 Art Gobblers 一經發售便躋身藍籌,Free Mint 但地板價直接超過 20 ETH,財富效應令人咋舌;後有聲名大噪的 KPR 在昨晚完成 …
此前,kpr 团队在 10 月 24 日ama里曾透露,kpr 将会将现实世界和虚拟、web3 结合起来,并可能会发布 rpg 类游戏。这里发售的 10k 个 nft 会作为构筑的宏大世界的入场券,团队的营销方案 …
KPR - NFT Trading Data and Analytics | DappRadar
Discover KPR NFT trading data including volume, floor prices, top sales, and historical charts. Analyze NFT trends on DappRadar.
KPR NFT Project Details - Web3 Culture
2022年11月2日 · KPR has made a name for itself with some great marketing, previews, and an awesome website. KPR hits on all front in terms of what they’ve touched on delivering by …
2022年11月4日 · 而 KPR 是 KEEP PROTECT REIMAGINE 的缩写。 总量 10K,发布在 Ethereum 链上,发售价格为 0.2 ETH,Twitter 粉丝数 47.6K,Discord 人数 31K。 获得参与发 …
KPR: NFT rarity, market cap, floor price etc. | NFTGo
Track the data of KPR NFTs. Analyze with over 20 metrics such as rarity, market cap, floor price, list & offer, whales in chart. Dive into KPR NFTs by browsing the analytics and purchasing one …
KPR - Keepers NFT价格图表和统计数据 - NFT Price Floor
KPR - Keepers 底价与成交实时数据 . KPR - Keepers 是一个由 Undefined 创建的NFT藏品, 于2022-12-21发布。该项目包含 10,000 个在以太坊区块链上的独特电子物品。我们将它分类为 …