KS-1 rifle - Wikipedia
It is designed as an improved version of their Armalite AR-15 clone called SR-16. The 13.7" KS-1 variant was adopted as the L403A1-AIW by the British Armed Forces in 2023 to supplement the L85A2-A3 and L119A1-A2 rifles used by Royal Marines and the British Army Ranger Regiment .
“黑枪”情节——AR15步枪在英军的服役历史与L403A1(KAC KS-1…
2023年9月7日,英国国防部官网发表了名为“游骑兵团新的先进步枪”的文章,正式确认KAC KS-1步枪及配件中标AIW。 官方定型为L403A1。 L403A1将由英国轻武器进口&销售公司Edgar Brothers负责代理,本合同价值9千万英镑,计划在下一个十年内为英军提供10000套新步枪系统。 目前英国陆军已经提交了第一批价值1500万共1620套AIW系统的订单用来装备ASOB。 (英国国防部官网提供的L403A1配图,与中标的步枪系统相比少了KAC的消音器隔热罩) ASOB是英国 …
KS-1: All the gen on the British Army and Royal Marines' new rifle
2023年9月7日 · Special operations elements of the British Army and Royal Marines are getting a new rifle - the KS-1. An order for 1,640 Knight's Stoner 1 (KS-1) rifles, designated the L403A1 in UK service, has been placed, with an option to acquire a further 10,000 falling under a new £90m contract over the next decade.
步枪科普:KS-1 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年8月6日 · 2023年9月,英国武装部队在“猎人计划”(Project Hunter)下选择了KS-1步枪,以取代英国陆军特种作战旅和皇家海军陆战队的L85A2-A3和L119A1-A2步枪,包括打击公司和监视侦察中队的装备。 KS-1被赋予了L403A1的名称,并被称为“替代个人武器”(Alternative Individual Weapon,AIW)系统。 皇家海军陆战队已购买了超过1000支KS-1步枪,英国陆军购买了价值1,620万英镑的1,620支KS-1步枪。 Knights Armament的提交(KS-1)在其他知名竞争对手( …
Hands On: The UK’s L403A1 / Knights Armament KS-1
2024年5月26日 · In September 2023, the United Kingdom has announced the selection of the Knight’s Armament Company KS-1 as the new individual weapon for the Ranger battalions and the Royal Marines Commandos. Back in January, while attending SHOT Show 2024, I was able to get a first hands on look at the new rifle which has been designated the L403A1.
KS-1 - Knight's Armament
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Project Hunter: The UK’s New Assault Rifle - The Armourers Bench
2023年9月6日 · The United Kingdom has announced the selection of the Knight’s Armament Company KS-1 as the new individual weapon for the new Ranger battalions and the Royal Marines Commandos.
英国为特种部队采购L403A1新型步枪 训练系统 瞄准系统全面解读
2023年9月9日 · KS-1步枪由美国骑士装备公司(Knight's Armament Company)研制,口径5.56×45mm。 KS即“骑士斯通纳(Knight Stoner)”的缩写,意为骑士装备公司制造的斯通纳步枪。 可能已经有朋友算出来了,一套AIW系统竟然价值8万多人民币。 但这套系统并非只有步枪,还包括L900A1瞄准系统、枪口装置和消音器,以及用于训练的空包弹训练系统和标记弹训练系统。 这么算下来,还是很贵。 英国国防部表示,这款新型步枪将为特种部队提供更强的战场杀伤 …
Exclusive: Royal Marines hit the range with new KS-1 assault rifle
The Royal Marines have been getting hands-on experience with their newest weapon – the Knight's Stoner rifle, better known as the KS-1. ...more. Their training at Barry Buddon saw them spend time...
In pictures: Up close with the Royal Marines and British Army's …
2023年9月7日 · Take a closer look at the latest assault rifle available to UK military personnel. The Knight's Stoner KS-1 rifle - also known as the L403A1 - will be available to the Army Special Operations Brigade and Royal Marine Commandos. The weapon has advanced optical sights and a signature reduction system to make UK troops harder to trace.
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