[KSP Update]: Version 0.7.3 is up! - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2011年6月24日 · the latest version (0.7.3) is now up for download in the Downloads section!Changelog:* Interactive Tutorials for both the Vehicle Assembly Buiding and Flight Mode* A settings.cfg file containing store game preferences* New workflow option for the VAB. You get to choose between holding down the mo...
More Old Versions Of KSP (Revived And Refound)
2022年6月3日 · Download links for 0.8.0, 0.8.2, and 0.13.1 have now been added. And I've also added a download link to some OP parts I've created for use in these old versions which should help make exploring around in them a lot easier.
Old Versions of KSP (Revived and Refound) - KSP1 Discussion
2018年3月25日 · As we all know, there used to be a forum where you could get old versions of KSP which is the one above. From February 2016 to January 2018 you could click on the links and download those versions. Now when you click on the links they redirect to the KSP Website and the versions were lost to time...
Old versions of KSP (some versions still wanted!)
2013年4月19日 · I'm trying to get a complete collection of all free versions of KSP (up to 0.13.3) but I'm having trouble locating some versions. If you know where to find the missing versions, please do not hesitate to tell me.
Collection of ksp old versions! - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2021年12月20日 · Hello! And welcome to collection of old ksp verisons! A 0.7.3 to 1.0.0. Versions in there is very old and outdated, so if you new to this game and want to try it, this topic not for you. useless if you want to play old version first. First topic below this is acrhive of old ksp verisons downloads. (0.7.3 to 0.13.3)
Old Versions of KSP (Revived and Refound)
2018年3月25日 · I just found something quite cool in the game files of KSP 0.7.3, and I thought I should share it here. In the folder 'sounds' there are several .mp3 files. Many of these contain sounds that were never added to the game, which is quite interesting. However, the most interesting thing in that folder is a file called 'editorLoop01.ogg' and this is a piece of groovy …
Any older versions of ksp before 0.7.3? - KSP1 Discussion - Kerbal ...
2017年6月8日 · We now have filled in a gap in the early history of KSP. New history of early KSP: The Kerbo Log (Big Gap) This flash version of KSP (small gap) HarvesteR begins working on KSP for SQUAD. 0.1 through 0.4 talked about briefly in blog posts. (tiny gap) 0.7.3 released!
...I found KSP 0.6.5 (a pre 0.7.3 version) - Page 2 - KSP1 Discussion ...
2016年5月24日 · Unless we ask either a. HarvesteR for a exe (Very unlikely) or b. Ask the person who found this version (also unlikely) or any former squad employee who was on the KSP Dev team when 0.6.5 was compiled (Also unlikely).
...I found KSP 0.6.5 (a pre 0.7.3 version) - KSP1 Discussion - Kerbal ...
2016年5月24日 · @Eloann2006 two things: . 1) Welcome to the forums! <moderator snip> I suspect there will be pre-existing archives of all KSP versions out there already, and even if there aren't why would you want a very old and known to be buggy development-era version of the game when there are plenty of proper and (generally speaking) less buggy release versions …
0.7.3, how hard can it be - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年4月21日 · you have a ksp 0.7.3.zip after the download. extract it (the folder ksp 0.7.3) to any place on your harddrive (desktop is fine). in there is the folder ksp, and in there is ksp.exe. execute this file, and it will start immediately. @waterlubber: great flight, and yes, it's hard. EDIT: oh, and thanks, didn't consider the f-key for activating SAS