Breaking Ground: Bring a Mun Stone on the Mun back to Kerbin
2019年5月30日 · No crystals on the Mun yet, did find one on the mountains to the west of KSC though. It's a bit disappointing that instead of being able to pick up the stone and put in your new fangled inventory slot, it's just a right-click menu option that makes a …
Guide for Going to the Mun for all beginners and bottle rocketeers ...
2012年3月1日 · Warp for a little bit until you see the mun JUST START to rise over the Kerbin horizon. Return to normal time-rate. Point straight towards the mun -- if low over the horizon -- or just burn pro-grade. Your T.L.I. (Trans Lunar Injection) burn will be at 80-100%. Watch your Apoapsis extend outward towards the Mun\'s orbit around Kerbin.
Mun Tutorial for Super Dummies - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2024年9月3日 · Double click Kerbin in map view to focus your view. Zoom out until you can see the Mun's whole orbit line and right-click and drag to pan until the Mun is on the right side of the screen. Without panning, zoom back in and click your orbit trajectory right in the middle to create a maneuver node.
Completing the "Explore The Mun" contract - Kerbal Space …
2020年7月8日 · with the map you can readily calculate that once you are in kerbin orbit, you need 860 m/s to get on a mun intercept, 280 m/s to enter a circular low orbit around mun, another 280 m/s to get back to kerbin intercept. you'd need additional 860+3400 m/s to land, but you lose those by aerobraking. so, once you got into a mun intercept, you only ...
How to create a Mun capable ship - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2019年11月8日 · Re-entry stage - Single seat capsule with a parachute. No need for a heatshield to re-enter kerbin from the Mun, just set a Pe of about 30-40km and you'll be fine. Return stage - Decoupler below the above with a fuel tank and engine with enough dV to launch from the mun and return to Kerbin (about 800-900m/s I think). I usually use the Terrier ...
Finding a flat spot to land on Mun. - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年3月18日 · The mun and minmus (and most celestial bodies?) have very accidented terrains near poles, with sudden edges and high slopes. However it WILL give you the most spectacular views... just make sure to pack enough delta-v to hover during the descent to some nicer ground. And having a good TWR will make it easier to react instantly.
[Showcase] Post your Moon/Planet Landers Thread / Lander …
2013年6月25日 · On the Mun. On Duna. The Sandpiper is capable of a full powered-landing and return to Duna orbit. Also, I have to say that I am most fond of the ascent stage. I was very pleased with the fuel arrangement and the amount of fuel it can hold without resorting to clipping tanks inside the lander can. Edited April 19, 2014 by GusTurbo
Which is better to mine, Minmus, or the Mun - KSP1 Discussion
2016年6月29日 · Mun's terrain is much more representative of other planets than Minmus'. The lack of any truly level ground greatly complicates connecting base modules and fuel shuttles together. Mun's higher gravity and large areas of horrible terrain put …
Planning a Mun mission (rocket design basics)
2019年2月16日 · KSP doesn't provide a good way to know that orbital parameter. Zero longitude is a specific direction in the game, but since the skybox is essentially wallpaper painted on the face of infinity, it doesn't correspond to any actual celestial object.
In need of a rescue mission on the Mun, how to?
2014年8月19日 · 3: Orbit and then land on Mun. If any fuel is left over in the radial tanks, transfer it to the middle tank. 4: Do your Mun business. 5: Take off from Mun. Once the landing legs are off the ground - release the radial tanks and engines. 6: Once in Mun orbit, plot a course directly for Kerbin. Aim for a Pe of 0 to 10000 meters.