Calligra Sheets - Wikipedia
Calligra Sheets (formerly KSpread and Calligra Tables) is a free software spreadsheet application that is part of Calligra Suite, an integrated graphic art and office suite developed by KDE.
Calligra Sheets - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Calligra Sheets (原名 KSpread 及 Calligra Tables)是一個自由軟體的電子表格應用程序,是 Calligra Suite 辦公軟體套裝的一部份。 Calligra Sheets的特色是多張工作表的文件,各種格式 …
KSpread - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
KSpread is a free software spreadsheet program that is part of KOffice, an office suite for the KDE Desktop Environment. Among KSpread features are multiple sheets per document, assorted …
KSpread - 百度百科
KSpread 是一个自由软件的电子表格应用程序,是 KOffice 办公软件套装的一部分。 KSpread有能力支援多种电子表格格式,包括 Microsoft Excel , Applix Spreadsheet , Quattro Pro , …
KOffice (KSpread) - KDE Store
KSpread is a scriptable spreadsheet program which provides both table-oriented sheets and support for complex mathematical formulas and statistics. KSpread's features include: * cell …
Calligra Suite
Calligra Suite is an office and graphic art suite by KDE. It contains applications for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, vector graphics, and editing databases. Calligra …
Kspread (Características, concepto y funciones)
KSpread es un editor independiente de hoja de cálculo, es un programa gratuito y forma parte de KOffice, una suite de oficina integrada para el escritorio de KDE. Las aplicaciones de la hoja …
Sheets - KDE UserBase Wiki
Sheets is the successor of KSpread and is part of the Calligra office suite. The development of Sheets started in 1998 by Torben Weis [1]. When the Calligra community split from the KOffice …
KSpread Review - Softpedia
2006年12月8日 · KSpread is a free spreadsheet application that is part of KOffice, an integrated office suite for the KDE Desktop Environment. Spreadsheets applications have two important …
- 作者: Mihai Marinof
KSpread - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
KSpread adalah aplikasi spreadsheet yang merupakan bagian dari KOffice, paket office terintegrasi untuk desktop KDE. Beberapa fitur KSpread antara lain: beberapa lembar kerja …
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