First Impressions of the KT-120 Tube - What’s Best Forum
2010年4月20日 · The fact that the KT120's supposedly last longer than the 6550's is a very definite plus, assuming that is the case. My friend's KT120's are fairly new so we have no way of telling about this.
KT120 Vacuum Tube from Tung-Sol - AudioReview
2011年5月15日 · The KT120 is a bit laid back at very low volumes, turn it up a bit and it's a whole new level of realism! Summary: both are equally very nice to listen to for endless hours without any fatigue and will produce the absolute sound.
Why the KT120 is better than the KT150 - Audio Asylum
2019年7月27日 · Why the KT120 is better than the KT150 Posted by AbeCollins (A) on July 27, 2019 at 10:32:58 There's a discussion in another post further down about the Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated amp and the topic of KT120 vs KT150 power tubes came up.
Anyone with experience or thoughts on Audio Research's new KT …
2010年3月31日 · Hi there! getting back to the KT120 tubes - I have hands on experience with this new tube made from Tung Sol; one word "fantastic!" provided your amplifier can handle them. I have also auditioned the new ARC Ref 150 driving a pair of Martin logan CLX's, very nice and live impact, absolute sound with a very natural presentation.
SED 6550c Vs. KT120 Vs Treasure KT120Z OUTPUT TUBES
2017年1月12日 · SED 6550c Vs. KT120 Vs Treasure KT120Z OUTPUT TUBES Roydrage Jan 12, 2017 6550c kt120 kt120z Forums Our Favorite Technology & Audio Forums Vacuum Tube Audio Forum
Can Ref. 110 change tube from 6550 to KT120? - What’s Best Forum
2011年12月22日 · Here is my hi-fi setup. FULL set ARC CD8 + REF5 + REF110 + MAGNEPAN 1.7. May I know the setting of ref 110 if I want to change the power tube from 6550 to KT120? Or just plug-in the KT120 in ref 110 without any setting? Thanks for your help.
KT150 v KT120 Tubes - What’s Best Forum
2014年6月5日 · I got curious and checked the Tung-Sol data sheets for their KT120 and KT150. The good news is that the specs, including filament and normal operating bias currents, are almost identical. So swapping them into an amp that can handle KT120's should be benign. That was my reason for looking, concern people might be stresing parts of their amplifier's power supply by swapping them in ...
Kt-120 and kt-150 tubes - What’s Best Forum
2010年4月20日 · I am becoming an ever increasing fan of both the KT-120 and KT-150 output tubes. My first experience listening to the KT-120 tube was with the ARC VS115 I bought that ended up claiming my right bicep tendon. I wrote about the VS115 and the sound of the KT-120 tube on this forum several years...
KT150 v KT120 Tubes - What’s Best Forum
2014年6月5日 · Also possible the KT150 is designed to provide more power gain than the KT120, natch. Different transformers imply different output impedance, beefed up wire and core for the extra power, or both.
KT120 vacuum tube by Tungsol - forums.audioreview.com
2010年11月2日 · has anyone tried the new KT120 super tube that was just launched by Tungsol? claims to have all the great qualities of EL34 together with 6550 & KT90. the reviews claim it to have far better mid range compared to any tube ever made, plus deeper bass- well controlled excellent for electrostats and panel types.