KT88 superthread. - diyAudio
2020年10月5日 · Shuguang KT88-T. (Tressure series) With black coating, purpose of the coating unknown. RSD. FullMusic KT88/c with carbon plates. Definitely the use of carbon is not recommended by me. This will lead to low lifetime if combined with Barium cathodes, and is only advised for thoriated tungsten tubes, ever since the history of tubes.
KT88 amplifier - diyAudio
2022年1月16日 · Even with well matched KT88 tubes, then . . . Either use Adjustable Fixed Bias for each tube (and individual 10 Ohm cathode resistors to ground, so you can measure the voltage, and calculate the current V/10 Ohms = current). Or, use Individual Self Bias Resistors with Individual Bypass Caps. I purchase my JJ KT88 tubes from Eurotubes.com.
KT88 Stereo Schematic and help - diyAudio
2012年2月7日 · OddWatt Audio 5751 SRPP / KT88 Push-Pull Monoblock Tube Amplifier Kits If so, that would make a nice amp but it is a mono-block. The title of your post says "stereo". If your intention is to build two mono-blocks, you will need 2 more KT88, 1 more output transformer, 1 more power transformer.
Triode comparison - EL34, 6L6, 5881, KT88, 6550 etc | diyAudio
2024年9月4日 · I went through a phase of triode-wiring beam outputs and power pentodes. I tried 7591, 6550A, EL34, 6L6GC, 6P3S-E, 6P3S, and 6V6GTA/B.
Parallel KT88 SET Amp - diyAudio
2014年11月8日 · Hi everyone. I would like to build an SE amplifier with two parallel KT88 output tubes. There is a schematic of what I've done so far. I assembled one channel on test bench and it seams that it works fine. I am currently running 120 mA through transformer and eventually I will increase current...
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2015年10月9日 · No the kt-120s are a better stable tube then the kt-88 to bias in the cad-120 I have noticed. Plus you Bias them same as you would regular kt-88's.
Singled Ended Ultralinear KT88 - diyAudio
2022年2月15日 · I am interested to hear about any user experiences or advice regarding output transformer impedance and B+ combinations for KT88 singled ended ultralinear operation. My current amp is running EL34's with a 5k transformer right on the limit, with 412V across the tube and 60mA bias. I am very happy with the performance.
KT88 SE advice sought - diyAudio
2017年1月10日 · Using a KT88 in Triode mode gives a plate resistance of perhaps 800 to 1200 Ohms, depending on the voltages and currents. The grid to plate gain with a reasonable load is perhaps 5 or 6. This has the lowest power out, and the highest damping factor. This should have the lowest distortion at low to medium power levels (medium referred to max ...
KT88 Bias Adjustment - diyAudio
2006年2月28日 · I have the problem with my KT88 PP stereo integrated amp to set bias voltages of KT88 of which scheme as below; If I set Vk to the same value by adjusting the pots for both tubes, I have audible hum so I cannot set them to the same value but different values, I.e. 0.410v and 0.435v, etc. Can...
Dynaco VTA-inspired KT88 PP AMP project - diyAudio
2019年2月5日 · Inspired by the discussions around the possible schematics to use my father came up with the idea to combine the driver stage from the VTA ST70 AMP using 6SN7 tubes with the output of Mark III based on KT88 for more power. The draft of the schematics is attached. Power transformed will be of toroid type giving 250 Wt output.