6550 / KT88 / KT90 Power Vacuum Tubes • New & NOS
TubeDepot carries a selection of 6550 / KT88 / KT90 Power Vacuum Tubes. New & NOS power tubes from Mullard, Tung-Sol, Telefunken, Sino, GE, Telefunken & more!
KT88 |KT90 | KT100 | KT120 | KT150 | 6550 - Tube Amp Doctor
High power KT90 for HiFi, not recommendet for guitar- or bass amps. size: d= 39mm, l= 108mm (without the pins)
Electro-Harmonix KT90 - Upscale Audio
The Electro Harmonix KT90-EH tube is a drop-in for any KT88 or 6550 tube... bias your amp just as you would a KT88 and you're good to go! Sonically they are true to the Electo Harmonix …
- [PDF]
KT90 - PoC-Net
The KT90 is a beam-power pentode primarily designed for use in audio frequency power amplifier applications. Anode dissipation rate is 50W, which provides for push-pull amplifiers utilization …
KT90 opinions? - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2015年3月26日 · I'm thinking if getting a quad of EH KT90's as I've heard they have a bit livelier and aggressive sound than Gold Lion KT88's I'm currently running. My system has a pretty …
Electro-Harmonix KT90EH Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)
The Electro Harmonix KT90-EH vacuum tube is a suitable replacement for any KT88 or 6550 power tube. This KT90 tube is an excellent quality tube and a solid performer in both hifi and …
KT88 | KT90 | KT120 | KT150 Vacuum Power Tubes - thetubestore
We have a large selection of KT88, KT90, KT120, and KT150 vacuum tubes in stock with tube reviews submitted by our customers. Be sure to click the “Additional Info” tab when viewing a …
KT90 - eierc.com
2002年1月12日 · KT90 is a beam-power pentode primarly designed for use in audio frequency power amplifier applications. Anode dissipation rate is 50W, which provides for push-pull …
KT88 / KT90 / 6550 Tubes - valvesNmore
2021年6月9日 · High powered output tubes used when you want it LOUD.
6550 / KT88 / KT90 / KT120 tubes in stock now - tctubes.com …
Scroll down to browse our current selection of vintage 6550 tubes and burned in, tested, and precision matched new production 6550 power tubes. Click "more info" for pricing, availability, …