KTM-5 - Wikipedia
The KTM-5, later known as the 71-605, is a Soviet tram model manufactured by UKVZ. First introduced in 1963, the KTM-5 was mass-produced between 1969 and 1992, with a total of …
西伯利亞烏索利耶, 电车 # 054 — 市区电力交通网
71-605 (ktm-5m3) 制造日期: 1970: 序列号: 213: 运营状态: 正式停运 : 用处: 载客车辆: 退役日期: 1998: 拆解日期: 1998: 附加信息: СМЕ 054+055 до 1998 года: 1971 — модернизирован на …
71-605 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El 71-605 o KTM-5M3 o KTM-5 (del ruso: 71-605, КТМ-5М3, KTM-5M) es un modelo de tranvía ruso y soviético. Los primeros prototipos fueron construidos por la fábrica de vagones S. M. …
Усолье-Сибирское — Модернизация вагонов КТМ-5М3
A modernization project of KTM-5M3 cars. Car 007 was modernized as a prototype in 2004. The upgraded car received a design from the 71-606 model, electrical equipment from the 71-619K …
KTM-5 — Vikipēdija
KTM-5 (no krievu: Кировский Трамвай Моторный 5-й модели; PSRS Vienotajā numerācijā — 71-605) ir augstās grīdas četrasu tramvaju modelis, kuru ražoja PSRS, vēlāk Krievija. Pirmie …
KTM-5M3 - public-transport.net
Zwischen 1971 und 1990 wurden insgesamt 12.943 KTM-5M3 gebaut. Anfang 2021 fahren noch 20 in Nowosibirsk. The KTM-5s are the most built trams in the world after the Tatra T3s.
KTM-5 - Tramwaj Wiki | Fandom
Ten model tramwaju produkcji UKWZ znany jest powszechnie jako KTM-5, która była jego oficjalną nazwą do lipca 1976, gdy ZSRR ustaliła wspólne nazewnictwo wagonów. Otrzymał …
AVD 4032AVD Tram KTM-5M3, model kit - eBay
2024年11月12日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for AVD 4032AVD Tram KTM-5M3, model kit at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
KTM-5 - Wikiwand
The KTM-5, later known as the 71-605, is a Soviet tram model manufactured by UKVZ. First introduced in 1963, the KTM-5 was mass-produced between 1969 and 1992, with a total of …
STL file KTM-5M3 N ・3D print design to download・Cults
2024年10月16日 · The KTM-5, later known as the 71-605, is a model of tram manufactured by UKVZ in the Soviet Union. It was first introduced in 1963 and mass-produced from 1969 to …