Inspired by LMP and GT racing cars, every technical detail of the KTM X-BOW GT-XR has been developed to deliver absolute performance. What we have created is an uncompromising driving machine designed for lightweight and aerodynamic efficiency.
KTM X-Bow - The Ultimate Driving Machine | KTM
A fascinating lightweight and high-performance machine bringing state-of-the-art motorsport technology such as the unique “jet fighter canopy” while remaining suitable for everyday use. The KTM X-BOW GT-XR is a super sportscar that is ready to …
KTM X-BOW GT-XR | KTM United States
2022年6月3日 · KTM X-BOW GT-XR. It’s a name that fits perfectly with a racing car – with one key difference: the latest super sportscar from KTM is a road-going machine. The name of the “GT car for the road” is sure to give KTM fans and enthusiasts an idea of what they can expect from the new model.
KTM X-Bow GT-XR Is a 493-Horsepower Monster on a Low Carb …
2022年9月9日 · The KTM X-Bow GT-XR is meant to be a road-going equivalent of the company's X-Bow GT2 track weapon. The GT-XR uses an Audi-sourced 2.5-liter five-cylinder engine tuned to produce 493 horsepower...
可上路的终极赛道跑车,KTM X-Bow GT-XR正式发布 - 懂车帝
2022年9月11日 · 搭载奥迪奥迪汽车生产的2.5升5缸涡轮增压汽油引擎,KTM X-Bow GT-XR拥有500匹最大马力(引擎6,350转时产生)与581N·m(引擎5,550转时产生)的峰值扭力输出,搭配7速双离合器变速箱、限滑差速器以及后轮驱动设定,Bow GT-XR从静止加速至每小时100公里仅 …
【简森巴顿de车辆百科】KTM X-BOW GTR - 哔哩哔哩
X-BOW GTR是KTM和Reiter Engineering共同打造的一款GT4赛车,于2015年推出,这也是KTM正式推出的第一款GT4赛车(KTM曾在2010年打造过一款试验性的X-BOW GT4,只制造了一台,只参加过几场比赛)。
KTM X-Bow GT-XR specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times
2023 KTM X-Bow GT-XR specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times, price, top speed, engine specifications, pictures, updated January 2025.
阿尔卑斯特产:KTM X-Bow GT-XR - 懂车帝
2023年10月2日 · KTM X-Bow GT-XR. 车身. 双座轿跑车,长4626 mm,宽2041 mm,高1164 mm,轴距2850 mm,行李厢容积160 L, 整备质量1250,承载质量350 kg. 发动机. 直列五缸,涡轮增压,排量2480 cm3,最大功率368 kW(500 PS)/6350 rpm,最大扭矩581 Nm/5550 rpm. 传动系统. 后轮驱动,七挡双离合变速箱 ...
500马力 KTM X-Bow GT-XR官图正式发布 - 汽车之家
2022年9月8日 · [汽车之家 新车官图] 近日,KTM官方发布了X-Bow GT-XR车型的官图。新车可以看做是X-Bow GT2赛车的公路版,车身整体架构由全碳纤维打造,极致轻量化的 ...
KTM X-BOW GT-XR Clubsport - Chicago Performance and Tuning …
Inspired by LMP & GT racecars, every technical detail of the KTM X-BOW GT-XR CLUBSPORT has been developed to deliver absolute performance. An uncompromising driving machine designed for lightweight, aerodynamic efficiency. At the heart of the machine is the legendary 2.5L, 5-Cylinder engine from Audi AG.
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