KV43 - Wikipedia
Tomb KV43 is the burial place of Thutmose IV, a pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt. He was interred with two of his children who predeceased him. …
Thutmes IV - Theban Mapping Project
The entrance to KV 43 lies in the south branch of the southeast Wadi, high in the mountainside above and southeast of KV 19. Similar in plan to KV 35 (Amenhetep II), the first three corridors …
Tomb of Thutmosis IV (KV 43) - Main Destinations in Egypt : …
King Tuthmosis IV is most famous with his dream stela. His tomb KV 43 was first entered in 1903 by the Egyptologist Howard Carter (discoverer of the Tomb of Tutankhamun KV 62). It is …
Tomb of Tuthmosis IV (KV 43) | Luxor, Egypt - Lonely Planet
It was discovered in 1903 by Howard Carter, 20 years earlier than the tomb of Tuthmosis IV’s great-grandson, Tutankhamun. It is accessed by two long flights of steps leading down and …
The Tomb of Tuthmosis IV, Valley of the Kings, Egypt - Tour …
Howard Carter made the first modern entrance into the tomb of Tuthmosis IV (KV 43) on January 18th, 1903. This was not an accidental discovery by Carter, for he had been looking for this …
Thutmose IV tomb Luxor KV 43 Egypt tours, prices - Egypt Travel …
Thutmose IV tomb Luxor KV 43 sited high in the southern cliff of the Valley of Kings. In fact, it discovered in 1903 by Howard Carter. The tomb stripped of valuable items in antiquity. …
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Tomb of Tuthmosis IV (KV 43) - ETB Tours Egypt
Explore the grandeur of the Tomb of Tuthmosis IV, one of the largest and deepest tombs from the 18th Dynasty. Discover its unique features, vibrant decorations, and historical significance in …
The Ancient Egypt: KV43 – Tomb of Tuthmosis IV .. Part ( 23 )
2017年3月30日 · Clearly a development of KV35 ( Amenhotep II ), KV43 follows the earlier tomb's location preference ( it is the last tomb to be sited under a storm-fed waterfall ), size and …
Il corpo del carro di Thutmose IV risalente a quasi 3.400 anni fa
Ritrovato nella sua tomba, KV 43, questo carro è uno dei pochi esemplari egiziani sopravvissuti ai giorni nostri. Faceva parte degli oggetti funerari del re, destinati a servirlo nell'aldilà, e offre …
Model Dish from a Foundation Deposit | New Kingdom | The …
This model dish is from one of the foundation deposits that were placed in front of the entrance of the tomb of Thutmose IV (KV 43) in the Valley of the Kings. The inscription scratched onto the …