KV-54 | Gerand (Youtuber) Wiki | Fandom
But Leviathan saw the potential in the KV-54 and therefore even resurrected and absorbed it after its destruction by the KV-54 because of Dora. Next, the character should be classified as the " Hellish KV-54 ".
KV54 - Wikipedia
Tomb KV54 is located in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt. It was originally excavated by Edward R. Ayrton on behalf of the American lawyer Theodore M. Davis, who funded the work. Not as much a tomb as a small pit located near the tomb of Seti I, it contained about a dozen large sealed storage jars.
Large Storage Jar from Tutankhamun's Embalming Cache
In 1907, a small pit (KV 54) was discovered in the Valley of the Kings. It contained a dozen or so large sealed storage jars, including this one. Inside the jars was an assortment of objects carefully packed in chaff.
Tutankhamun cache (KV 54) - Ancient Egypt Online
KV 54 is little more than a small pit which may in fact be an unfinished shaft of a tomb whose construction was abandoned. It was used as a cache for some of the grave goods and funerary equipment of Tutankhamun because the tomb of Tutankhamun (KV 62) …
Infernal KV-54 - Gerand (Youtuber) Wiki
The infernal KV-54 is the same KV-54 but in the form of a hellish color (and race) Note: the order of the towers is from left to right, the order of the rows is carried out from top to bottom.In this description we are talking about the "Hellish KV-54", where some of the original KV-54 turrets...
Season 5 | Gerand (Youtuber) Wiki | Fandom
One of the T-34-85's survived and with Leviathan, as a hostage, goes to the hell where the Patun tells Leviathan about the record KV-54 did. When the Leviathan enters castle, he tells others not to enter there with him since the Dora could kill them.
Leviathan (Gerand) | Villains Wiki - Fandom
Returning to hell, he shuts down, having managed to ask the KV-54 to drop him into a lava lake. The monster of a thousand towers drove him to the lava, where he healed his injuries. After a short time, Leviathan went to the factory to destroy the recalcitrant engineers who managed to resist the Germans.
【坦克动画】磁爆坦克 vs KV-54(熟肉) - 哔哩哔哩
【坦克动画】荒野大镖坦#1 劫火车(熟肉)
Gerand部分音乐KV-44VSKV-54完整版 - 哔哩哔哩
,【Weasy】各等级KV-44水平对比,坦克世界:第101届BOSS挑战赛,KV-44从最弱到最强的进化,另外一辆Kv 44,用积木搭建一辆KV-44坦克,坦克世界动画:苏联新坦克KV-99,【坦克大战】第一季钢铁洪流,双方的角逐之战,一触即发
【坦克动画】KV-54之死 作者:Stanislav Gorin翻译:红旗win
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