Replacement Suggestions for King KX-155 | Pilots of America
2006年7月25日 · I'd love to have a KX-155 corpse to see if I can adapt very efficient, very cheap LED display to. If you ever decide you want to sell that sucker for nickels and dimes to somebody who will be able to design and supply replacement displays for a reasonable price, you will be a hero to lots of your aviation buddies.
KX155 & KX165 Confusion/question - Pilots of America
2009年12月6日 · the KX 165; however, it doesn’t include the digital Radial readout feature. Also, the KX 155 requires an external VOR/LOC converter (usually included n the appropriate Bendix/King NAV indicator) while the KX 165 comes with a built-in VOR/LOC converter designed to interface directly with any
KX200 - Slide in KX155/KX165 replacement | Pilots of America
2015年1月1日 · For someone like me who has two KX-155's in the stack it's a pragmatic fix to an ever increasing problem. Sooner or later the KX-155's will be unobtainium and while the KX-200 is expensive, it's a lot less expensive than upgrading to a Garmin...
KX-155 Refurbishment, Replace?? - Pilots of America
2011年2月20日 · The one on the video is a mock-up. You can tell by the holes around the knobs it's unfinished. I will hang with my KX-155 for awhile, but may buy an MX-155 to try out. If I like it, I can sell the KX-155 to defray the cost or keep as a spare,. It's my number 2 radio anyway. Bendix-King continues to abandon their GA customers at every turn.
KX155 Repair - Pilots of America
2019年12月27日 · Jim Karpowitz is a fantastic component-level repair guy who got our KX-155 working like new and saved us thousands of dollars by bringing our KFC150 trim servo back from the dead. You could call Skycom Avionics, where he works - Or, head over to BeechTalk, he's a frequent participant over there.
KX-155 voltage change - Pilots of America
2008年7月8日 · The KX-155 and KX-165 are different radios (far more than voltage difference). The KX-165 uses a different indicator (drives an HSI-style resolver) and has additional featuers not present in the 155. However I believe the other poster is correct. You can't make a 14 V into a 28V unit (or 12 or 24 if you wish). It's not just a jumper/tray change.
KX-155 - Pilots of America
2020年3月6日 · A KX-155 is not a KX-155. They had many internal changes over the years, old ones were traditional thru-hole mounted electrolytic caps and socketed ICs, later ones were SMD chips and (mostly) solid state caps. No different than saying that Ford Mustangs have problem XYZ without mentioning if you are talking about a 1964 version or a 2013 version.
Repair KX-155 - Pilots of America
2024年4月3日 · Repair KX-155. Thread starter Pinecone; Start date Apr 2, 2024; Pinecone En-Route. Joined May 24, 2022 ...
Replacement Suggestions for King KX-155 - Pilots of America
2019年12月30日 · Depending on the kx-155 you own (24 volt or 14 volt), you can greatly improve the performance of SOME, NOT ALL, by treating plug in IC's and display contacts with Caig Deoxit. I live in NC, it is very humid here compared to other locations...I have fixed kx155's in both my planes by a simple treatment caused by corrosion inside the radio on the ...
Trouble removing King KX-155 from recent panel - Pilots of America
2019年10月20日 · Well, our club has a Warrior that also has a KX-155. No problem I thought, I'll pull the Warrior's KX-155, plug in the Cessna's KX-155, and see if the Cessna radio works in this other airplane. Now comes my problem. This is a ~2 year panel in our Warrior, the KX-155 sits right below a GNS-650.