KY-015 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
2016年11月4日 · The KY-015 Temperature and Humidity Sensor module provides a digital serial interface to measure environment humidity and temperature. Compatible with various microcontrollers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi and ESP32. This module consist of a DHT11 digital humidity and temperature sensor, a 1 kΩ resistor and 3 male header pins.
Sensor Wiki: KY-015 / DHT11 Combination Temperature and Humidity Sensor
This wiki article covers the KY-015 / DHT11 combination temperature and humidity sensor. Included are wiring diagrams, code examples, pinouts, and technical data. This sensor is commonly used in weather-station projects and for keeping tabs on internal device environmentals in larger projects.
KY-015 Combi-Sensor (temperature & humidity) - SensorKit - Joy-IT
It measures temperatures from 0°C to 50°C with an accuracy of ±2°C and relative humidity from 20% to 90% with an accuracy of ±5%. Due to its low sampling rate, the sensor only provides new readings every two seconds, making it ideal for long-term measurements.
Using the Temperature and Humidity Sensor KY-015 with …
2020年10月12日 · In this tutorial, we will learn about the KY-015 module, what is a DHT11 sensor and we will build a simple project to read the ambient temperature and humidity sensed by the KY-015 module using an Arduino. The KY-015 Module will be our main component for this tutorial.
ESP32 KY-015 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
The KY-015 is a temperature and humidity sensor module based on the DHT11 sensor. It provides digital output for temperature and humidity measurements, making it ideal for environmental monitoring applications.
KY-015 Datasheet(PDF) - JOY-IT
Part #: KY-015. Download. File Size: 666Kbytes. Page: 7 Pages. Description: Temperature and humidity sensor. Manufacturer: JOY-IT.
DHT11 Sensor De Temperatura y Humedad KY-015 - UNIT …
El Sensor De Temperatura y Humedad DHT11 KY-015 con salida de señal digital, tiene un tamaño ultra compacto, es de bajo consumo de energía y tiene gran utilidad cuando se requiere detectar dos magnitudes al mismo tiempo.
Arduino Temperature and humidity sensor module KY-015
2017年10月1日 · This module consist of a DHT11 digital humidity and temperature sensor and a 1 kΩ resistor. The DHT11 uses an internal thermistor and a capacitive humidity sensor to determine environment conditions, an internal chip is responsible for converting readings to a serial digital signal. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air.
KY-015 DHT 11 Temperature Ssensor Module - MakerShop.ie
KY-015 Arduino temperature and humidity sensor module, provides a digital serial interface to measure humidity and temperature
DHT11 or KY-015 Temperature & Humidity Sensor Module
KY-015 or DHT11 Arduino temperature and humidity sensor module, provides a digital serial interface to measure humidity and temperature. Code: DHT11. This module consist of a DHT11 digital humidity and temperature sensor and a 1 kΩ resistor.