Kamov Ka-50 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-50 "Black Shark" (Russian: Чёрная акула, romanized: Chyornaya akula, English: kitefin shark), NATO reporting name Hokum A, is a Soviet/Russian single-seat attack …
Ka-52 Alligator Attack Helicopter - Airforce Technology
2022年2月9日 · The Ka-52 is a highly manoeuvrable helicopter that can destroy enemy armoured and unarmoured ground targets, tanks, low-speed aerial targets and personnel at the frontline …
卡-50攻擊直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡-50「黑鯊」武装直升机 (英語: Ka-50)是苏联及俄罗斯的一型单座双发 共轴双三桨旋翼 (英语:Coaxial rotors) 多用途武装直升机。 卡-50武装直升机是世界上第一型 同軸反轉螺旋槳 …
卡-52武装直升机 - 百度百科
卡-52“短吻鳄”(英文:Kamov Ka-52,俄文:Камов Ка-52,绰号:Аллигатор,北约代号:Hokum-B,“噱头-B”)武装直升机是苏联卡莫夫设计局(现俄罗斯直升机公司)设计的共轴反 …
卡-52武裝直升機(Ka-52):飛機簡介,研製背景,功能用途,結構布局,旋 …
卡-52“短吻鱷”(英文:Kamov Ka-52,俄文:Камов Ка-52,綽號:Аллигатор,北約代號:Hokum-B,“噱頭-B”)武裝直升機是蘇聯 卡莫夫設計局(現俄羅斯直升機公司)設計的共軸 …
Kamov Ka-52 Alligator: A next-generation combat helicopter
2022年12月23日 · The new state-of-art Russian combat helicopter designed as Kamov Ka-52 Alligator is a next-generation reconnaissance and combat helicopter, now battle-proven and …
Kamov Ka-52 Alligator - Aero Corner
If you think air-to-ground combat and reconnaissance don’t get any more impressive, then you haven’t seen the Kamov Ka-52 Alligator. This two-seat attack helicopter packs a powerful …
Kamov Ka-52 Alligator (Hokum-B) - Military Factory
2023年10月3日 · The Kamov Ka-52 "Alligator" (Hokum-B) is an upgraded form of the original Ka-50 "Hokum" attack helicopter line. While the Ka-50 utilized a single-seat cockpit, the most …
Kamov Ka-52 Alligator: Russia’s Advanced Attack Helicopter
2024年9月24日 · The Kamov Ka-52 Alligator (NATO reporting name: Hokum B) is a state-of-the-art, all-weather combat helicopter developed by the Kamov Design Bureau. It is a two-seat …
Ka-52 HOKUM B / Alligator - GlobalSecurity.org
The Ka-52 Alligator reconnaissance and attack helicopter is designed to destroy tanks, armored and unarmored military equipment, manpower, helicopters and other aircraft of the enemy at …