Kamov Ka-137 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-137, previously designated MBVK-137, is an unmanned multipurpose helicopter designed for many roles, including reconnaissance, patrol, police and ecology, emergency, and data transmitting. Three versions of the Ka-137 were made — one ship-based, one automobile-based, and another carried by the Ka-32 helicopter. The aircraft uses ...
俄罗斯卡-137无人直升机,一款很有俄罗斯风格的装备 - 知乎
2021年11月22日 · 卡-137使用了人工智能技术、数字化控制系统,机体采用抗腐蚀材料制成,机上携带惯性卫星导航系统,它能安装预设路线自主飞行,可在精确定位60米距离内悬停。
“卡-137”多用途无人驾驶直升机 - 百度百科
卡-137无人驾驶直升机是卡莫夫飞机设计局在卡-37的基础上于 开始研制,1995年完成草图设计,1999年定型投产并开始装备 俄罗斯陆军 和边防部队. 初次看卡-137,如果你忽略了旋翼,可能会把它当作卫星。 它的球形机体堪称世界 无人机 中的一怪。 然而,卡-137的“心脏”和当家武器却都在这球形体内。 它的球形机体分上下两个功能部分。 上部装“心脏”,有一台Hirth2706R05型双冲程 活塞式发动机,功率48.5千瓦,还有燃油、控制系统及测高仪和 卫星导航系统。 这里的一套 …
Ka-137 helicopter - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年11月16日 · Ka-137 is a helicopter with the ability to solve a wide range of problems (MES, national economy, Ministry of Defense). It is based on the previously developed Ka-37, but has a number of...
Kamov Ka-137 | Aircraft Wiki | Fandom
The Kamov Ka-137 is an unmanned multi-purpose Unmanned Aerial Vehicle designed by Kamov Design Bureau. It is utilized for reconnaissance, patrol, police, ecology, data transmission, and emergency air delivery of special cargoes. Three versions exist: one ship-based, one ground vehicle-based, and one helicopter-based.
Ka-137 (航空機) - Wikipedia
カモフ Ka-137とは、偵察、警備、環境監視、緊急用、データ伝送用などの様々な任務に向けて設計された無人多用途ヘリコプターである。 以前には MBVK-137 と呼ばれていた。
Ka-137 - Испытатели
The unmanned Ka-137 helicopter is able to flight in any direction and at all speed ranges without restrictions. It is especially important for a helicopter type flight vehicle remotely or automatically piloted in conditions of air flow turbulence, and also at high wind with unknown direction.
Ka-137 | military aircraft | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
…devices, and the Russian Kamov Ka-137, a 280-kg (620-pound) helicopter powered by coaxial contrarotating blades and carrying a television camera for border patrol. The much larger Northrop Grumman MQ-8 Fire Scout, a 3,150-pound (1,420-kg) single-rotor craft resembling an unmanned helicopter, has been operational with the U.S. Navy since 2009 ...
Kamov Ka-137 helicopter - development history, photos, technical …
The Ka-137 is a coaxial-rotor helicopter provided with a spherical tailless fuselage, four-leg leaf-spring landing gear, and a piston engine. By customer request, TV and thermal imaging cameras, radar, signal repeater and other equipment with a total weight of up to 80 kg can be installed in a special equipment compartment of the helicopter.
Kamov Ka-137 - Wikiwand
The Kamov Ka-137, previously designated MBVK-137, is an unmanned multipurpose helicopter designed for many roles, including reconnaissance, patrol, police and ecology, emergency, and data transmitting. Three versions of the Ka-137 were made — one ship-based, one automobile-based, and another carried by the Ka-32 helicopter. The aircraft uses ...