Our Products - Knight's Armament
The URX6 handguard system is notably resistant to shift from impact, while also easily replaceable. The KAC E3.2 bolt improves upon the durability and functionality of our renowned E3 bolt design, directly addressing ejection performance, specifically when using a suppressor with a short-barreled carbine.
2007年7月10日 · Naval Special Warfare is the only group still issuing the RIS because they like its ability to accomodate heavy barrels. The RAS is the newer of the two and is issued to everybody else. It is tremendously more secure because it clamps to the barrel nut as well as being secured between the handguard cap and delta ring.
KAC-Knight's Armament RIS, Rail Interface System - Operation …
Knights RIS for the MK18 Mod 0. replaces the standard hand guards on 9mm and 5.56 light weight carbine barrels. Installation takes about 5-10 minutes and requires no tools. Picatinny rails on all four sides allow endless possible mounting solutions for accessories such as sling mounts, vertical forearm grips, flashlights and more.
SOPMOD M4 - 枪炮世界
SOPMOD II - 枪炮世界
第二代 的SOPMOD B lock 2 (现在命名为SOPMOD II)计划于2001年开始,并于2005年开始装备部队。 SOPMOD II除了有 增强M203榴弹发射器的夜间瞄准能力,改进或研制新的榴弹发射器(EGLM计划),扩展通用的消声器(包括应用于轻机枪及其他武器上),升级/改进现有的各种战术附件等等子系统外,还包括有新的一体化上机匣项目, 参与竞争这个项目的厂商包括 KAC 的URX II系统、ARMS公司的SIR系统(Selective Integrated Rail)、还有 LMT 公司 …
RIS护木和RAS护木如何区别? - 百度贴吧
两者主要区别是RIS护木前后都有固定,并且直接固定在枪管上;而RAS只有后面有固定,是浮置护木。 http://quarterbore.com/kac/kacrisras.html 发现一个不错的网站,也纠正了我以前对RAS和RIS的认识错误。 RIS护木和RAS护..听说RAS因为后面多了一个卡扣,用后面的螺丝锁紧,所以……相对的稳固点。 要区分的话最简单就是看螺丝的位置,在后面的就是RAS。 卡扣是什么东西? 那个螺丝又是怎么回事? 求图求科普……还有,RAS比RIS固.
RAS vs RIS confusion - AR15.COM
2007年4月24日 · Thus, KAC developed the RAS and RAS II. Both of these units fixed the problems of the RIS, but will only fit M4 profiled barrels. The only unit that still actively issues the RIS are the US Navy SEALs. NAVSPECWAR likes that the RIS can accomodate various barrel profiles which allows them to be compatible with various special configurations.
随便聊聊:美国武器市场上的配件2 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
socom计划用更新的配件代替kac的产品以获得更好的士兵人机工效体验,以及增加步枪的精度,招标要求除了配件的更新换代之外,还要求参与竞标的厂商提供用来代替现有m4和mk18上机匣的更高精度的一体式上机匣组件(缩写urg),dd以改进型lite rail护木与自制的 ...
2020年11月10日 · What’s the difference between the original RIS and RIS II? The RIS was the earlier version of KACs 7” drop-in quad rail handguard. Was not free-float and could be swapped in to replace plastic/standard handguards without any modification to the host weapon. The later version (RAS) had a few changes that enhanced lockup when installed.
Knight's Armament KAC RIS AR-15兼容护木【KAC RIS】
2023年10月14日 · Knight'sArmamentKACRIS是M4A1使用的标准护木,但在枪管长度合适的情况下,它也可被安装在大多数AR-15改进型的武器上。 拥有隔热罩以及4条可安装额外配件的导 …
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