Casual KAC SR-15 Comparison [a study in performance] - Sniper's …
2024年4月11日 · Long story short, I'm giving KAC small frame uppers another try after getting burned by them ~10yrs ago. This thread will showcase my findings on how the current factory …
Knights Armament | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年12月23日 · LMT > KAC as long as you get the LMT Enhanced BCG. The only advantage KAC has over a traditional AR15 is the bolt. The LMT E-BCG accomplishes basically the same …
Just bought a stripped KAC lower. Trigger selection?
2008年3月2日 · If you want to start buying KAC parts ALA CARTE to build up a SR15 type gun, you will spend as much and still not get the benefits of the system (gas and bolt). Cheaper to …
KAC SR15 LPR.....accuracy expectations? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年7月28日 · Just wondering if anyone has shot one of these new rifles yet. I just bought one on GB and should have it tomorrow. I basically was wondering if I can expect 1/2 inch groups. …
If you could pick JP CTR-02 or KAC SR15 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2022年1月13日 · 2. KAC SR15 in whatever mod you can find. 3. LMT MARS-L or similar variant There are lots of good guns out there, the ones above are proven under the worst conditions. I …
Firearms KAC SR15 - SPF - Sniper's Hide
2024年1月19日 · KAC SR15 16” upper, 3.1 bolt, KAC irons, geissele blem lower and trigger. $2000 not including shipping or fees
Shooting until catastrophic failure - KAC SR-15 - Sniper's Hide
2011年3月24日 · I am not shitting on KAC. He shoots every single upper until there is failure. Some of you may have a different opinion but as best I can tell, heavy profile barrels last …
KAC rifles worth the money? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2013年10月17日 · Jevan126; I do not have a JP and nothing negative to say about JP or really the other 308 AR's that I have. In that list is a gap 10, keep in mind. EVERY ASPECT with any …
Casual KAC SR-15 Comparison [a study in performance] - Sniper's …
2024年4月11日 · I cry about KAC on this forum but to give them credit, they make a quality product. When I have noticed differences in their uppers is actually on the longer barreled …
It’s been beat to death... but KAC SR25 versus... - Sniper's Hide
2020年5月8日 · Sounds like you need a KAC large frame after reading the list you've owned. You've pretty much owned all the high end commercial rigs save for JP. I'm still stuck on the …