Kachin State - Wikipedia
Kachin State (Burmese: ကချင်ပြည်နယ်; Kachin: Jinghpaw Mungdaw) is the northernmost state of Myanmar. It is bordered by China to the north and east (Tibet and Yunnan, respectively), Shan State to the south, and Sagaing Region and India (Arunachal Pradesh) to the west. It lies between north latitude 23° 27' and 28° 25 ...
克钦邦 - 百度百科
克钦邦(英语:Kachin State,缅甸语:ကချင်ပြည်နယ်,克钦语:Jingphaw Mungdaw),是缅甸联邦的克钦族自治邦,位于缅甸联邦北部和东北部,北部和中国的西藏自治区昌都地区相邻,东北部与中国的云南省怒江僳僳族自治州、德宏傣族景颇族自治州相 ...
Kachin people - Wikipedia
The Kachin people are traditionally known for their disciplined fighting skills, complex clan inter-relations, craftsmanship, herbal healing and jungle survival skills. In recent decades, animist and Buddhist beliefs have been left, and are now embracing Christianity in different areas.
克钦邦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
克欽邦 (緬甸語: ကချင်ပြည်နယ်, 克欽語:Jingphaw Mungdaw),是 緬甸聯邦 東北部的 克欽族 自治邦。 首府在 密支那。 設有 密支那 、 八莫 、 葡萄 三縣及18個鄉鎮市。 東部與 中國 雲南省 怒江傈僳族自治州 和 德宏傣族景頗族自治州 接壤,北部與 中國 西藏自治區 林芝市 相鄰,西北部則與 印度 接壤,西部与 实皆省 紧密相连,南部則與 撣邦 相鄰。 世界上超过90%的翡翠产于 缅甸 克钦邦 密支那 地区。 翡翠传入中国是在明朝, 明 、 清 两代,翡翠工艺品在中国 …
China and the Kachin State - Wikipedia
Since the renewal of the Kachin Conflict in 2011, violence between the Kachin Independence Army and the Burmese military continues to prevent contact with lowland Burma; China has become the Kachin region's sole window to the outside world. [1][2] Currently, the majority of activity between Kachin, and the neighboring Chinese province of Yunnan ...
克钦族 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
克欽族 (緬甸語: ကချင်လူမျိုး, 缅甸语委转写: ka. hkyang lu myui:, 发音: [kətɕɪ̀ɰ̃ lù mjó])),是使用 克欽語 的民族,主要居住於今 緬甸 克欽邦 、撣邦、印度 阿鲁纳恰尔邦 和阿薩姆邦、中華人民共和國雲南省,海外移民如台灣等地也有分佈。
Kachin | Burma, Ethnic Group, Conflict | Britannica
Kachin, tribal peoples occupying parts of northeastern Myanmar (Burma) and contiguous areas of India (Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland) and China (Yunnan). The greatest number of Kachin live in Myanmar (roughly 590,000), but some 120,000 live in China and a few thousand in India.
Who Are the Kachin People? - ThoughtCo
2019年7月3日 · The Kachin people of Burma and southwestern China are a collection of several tribes with similar languages and social structures. Also known as the Jinghpaw Wunpawng or the Singpho, the Kachin people today number around 1 million in Burma (Myanmar) and around 150,000 in China.
Kachin State - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kachin State (Jingpho: Wunpawng Mungdan; Burmese: ကချင်ပြည်နယ်) is a state in Myanmar. It is the northernmost state in the country. The state surrounds Hkakabo Razi, the highest mountain of Myanmar, with an elevation of 5,881 above sea level.
Kachin Communities in Myanmar - Oxford Research Encyclopedias
The term “Kachin” is an exonym that references several subcommunities, all of which have traditionally resided in the northernmost region of Burma (modern Myanmar). The name “Kachin State” for this region evidences this historical connection.