Kaede Takagaki - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
All random status effects inflicted by Kaede have a base accuracy of 100%. [1] Extended Mastery Support Skill. Boost to Kaede Takagaki's charge bar at battle start. Does not stack with Arthur (Event)'s Knight of Kindness 5% boost to Wind allies' charge bar at the start of battle. (Takes effect even when Arthur is a sub ally.).
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SSR Character Discussion: Kaede Takagaki : r/Granblue_en - Reddit
2021年8月3日 · Kaede is one of my favorites from iM@S CG, so I'm glad that even if I missed out on Ranko (angel baby, come bacc) and Anastasia (Russian baby, come bacc), I didn't miss out on Punster Diva. It was really fun to use her with my Tiamat and other charge bar generators, and I enjoyed microing her S3 for a while in order to get the most use out of ...
[GBF] Gilgamesh Full-Auto with Takagaki Kaede (in Staff Team)
2 Charge Bar Gain EMP, Extra Charge Bar at the start of the battle.2 ways to gain charge bar, random useful debuffs, Team-Wide refresh with healing cap, uniq...
New Generations (Uzuki, Rin, and Mio) and Takagaki Kaede SSR's ... - Reddit
2020年5月1日 · Kaede is a goddess though. There is however one thing I'm scared of... cygames making the imas collab serious. I know it's unlikely but Kaede's design gives me the feeling they might do something different.
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Kaede Takagaki - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Race Officially called "Type" in-game. Specialty This character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid. Gender Gender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute.
Granblue Fantasy x iM@s Cinderella Girls Collaboration - Kaede …
2020年5月23日 · Sorry if it's just Yuggu HL, I spent the time recoding on other harder raids earlier but with OBS running, GBF was just ridiculously slow for some reason and...
Kaede Takagaki/Strategy - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
2021年8月3日 · Kaede is an all-around supportive character who provides buffs, debuffs, and heals. Her special party-wide buff Overflowing Emotions. While she also has some helpful debuffs, the skill's random nature makes it too unreliable to make her a dedicated debuffer. is an exceptional special buff which increases party's firepower.