Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE!
2019年12月15日 · The scheme I have chosen is fairly well known in pictures, but its quite unusual in its equipment make up. This particular Kai-Ko, has the short nose like all Kai-Ko, but the landing light is covered over and painted in camo colors, as well as the fact that unlike most Kai-Ko, it has the fuselage mounted oblique firing guns as well:
Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE!
2019年12月15日 · Kai Tei, but no cannon up front along with the flight stuck from a Kai Tei too. Having not been able to see the actual IP of the mixed plane I'm doing I'm going with the Yahoo IP. It's nice enough that unless I can find pictures of the exact plane I'm doing, I'll stick with it.
Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE!
2019年12月15日 · Thanks! I agree 100%, that there is a LOAD of plastic in this box. Its stuffed to the rafters! Ive not had a lot of bench time lately, but that will be changing shortly, as I am going off of on-call today, and as of Friday, will have some time off until the 26th, at which point I will likely be working from home until after the 1st.
Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE!
2019年12月15日 · The grey (or gray if you prefer) is down.Flowed like a dream, and after a few coats it was opaque enough for the true color to come out, but thin enough to still see some of the black (or in this case green) basing:
Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE!
2019年12月15日 · Tonight was getting the gear finished up. I put a bit of a pre-shade on, followed by some MRP Khaki gray followed by some weathering including a small leak in one gear, and some oil and grease stains and an ovaerall wash of Tamiya brown.
Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE!
2019年12月15日 · Thanks again boys, feels good to be at full modeling MoJo! All parts now covered in Mr Surfacer 1500 black, as it was getting very hard to tell what was what, and where any fl
Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE!
2019年12月15日 · Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE! Cookies; Powered by Invision Community.
Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE!
2019年12月15日 · Brian, That’s right, on this and other ZM builds such as the Ho.229. Those stands are for photo ops, unless maybe some builders purchase an extra engine sprue, which would actually be something I should think about !
Ki-45 Toryu - Kai-Ko - 53rd Sentai, Matsudo AB, 1944 - DONE!
2019年12月15日 · And as promised some shots of the recent work done..... First started off by getting some misc small stuff done. This includes some internal tail bulkheads, the tail wheel and retraction mechanism, O2 tanks, rear 7.92 mm machine gun's empty shell catcher, as well as the Type 97 20 mm cannon and a
Ki-45 Kai Hei Toryu: Completed - Page 2 - Large Scale Planes
2019年12月13日 · Im working on the engines on my Kai Ko, and will be checking engine bearer fit very closely, and likely fitting the cowl panels to the cowl ring itself. Uncarina Posted December 20, 2019