DuPontTM Kalrez® 9600 perfluoroelastomer parts are designed for high purity, high temperature vacuum applications where seals are exposed to damaging Fluorine and Oxygen plasma …
KALREZ®9600 - DuPont
Kalrez® perfluoroelastomer parts provide best in class chemical resistance for exploration and production services while also meeting the industry standard requirements.
DuPont™ Kalrez® 9600
DuPont™ Kalrez® 9600 perfluoroelastomer parts are designed for high purity, high temperature vacuum applications where seals are exposed to damaging Fluorine and Oxygen plasma …
Kalrez® 9600 - dupontadh.materialdatacenter.com
DuPont™ Kalrez® 9600 perfluoroelastomer parts are designed for high purity, high temperature vacuum applications where seals are exposed to damaging Fluorine and Oxygen plasma …
Kalrez® 9600: the ideal solution for gas and plasma delivery …
Kalrez® 9600 is the ideal answer to these needs, offering an unparalleled level of performance. This high-performance perfluoroelastomer (FFKM), designed by DuPont™, is optimized for …
杜邦交通运输与工业 Kalrez 系列页 - DuPont
DuPont™ Kalrez® 6230/6230A* 全氟橡胶零件是一种黑色产品, 在需要符合 FDA 要求的制药和食品处理应用中, 具有优异的耐化学性和低萃取物污染。
In addition to its extremely low erosion rate and weight loss from plasma attack, this well balanced material provides excellent chemical resistance to Ammonia, Ozone, and Water Vapor.
Kalrez® 9600 Perfluoroelastomer Parts are designed for high purity, high temperature vacuum applications where seals are exposed to damaging Fluorine and Oxygen plasma radicals.
Kalrez® 9600 g Fluorine and Oxygen plasma radicals. It has an extremely low erosion rate and weight loss from plasma attack and provides excellent chemical resista
Kalrez® 9600 - Prospector by UL
使用 Prospector 建立免費帳戶時,可造訪 Kalrez® 9600 的完整資料表詳細資訊。 您將找到有關物理、機械和硬度規格的完整資訊. 访问塑料中的 \8 个属性。 创建您的免费帐户或登录 …