Kamov Ka-226 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-226 (NATO reporting name: Hoodlum) is a small, twin-engine Russian utility helicopter. The Ka-226 features an interchangeable mission pod, rather than a conventional …
Ka-226 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡-226 (英語: Ka-226 、 北約 代號 Hoodlum:流氓、小混混、不良少年)是一款小型雙引擎通用直升機。 Ka-226可根據不同的任物裝備不同的任務吊艙。 在 Ka-26 大獲成功後, 卡莫夫 …
Ka-226 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
卡-226 (英语: Ka-226 、 北约 代号 Hoodlum:流氓、小混混、不良少年)是一款小型双引擎通用直升机。 Ka-226可根据不同的任物装备不同的任务吊舱。 在 Ka-26 大获成功后, 卡莫夫 …
Kamov Ka-226 Sergei - Airport Technology
Kamov has delivered 850 Ka-26 helicopters to the domestic and export markets since 1965. The Ka-226 has interchangeable mission pods rather than a conventional cabin within the main …
Aircrafttotal Encyclopedia
The Kamov Ka-226 (NATO reporting name: Hoodlum) is a small, twin-engine Russian utility helicopter. The Ka-226 features an interchangeable mission pod, rather than a conventional …
Kamov Ka-226 helicopter - development history, photos, …
Ka-226 is a derivative of a well-known Ka-26 helicopter which fleet has flown nearly 3 million hours. The helicopter inherited the best qualities of its predecessor: simplicity of piloting …
Kamow / Kamov Ka-226 - Specifications - Technical Data / …
The Kamov Ka-226 is a twin-engined light utility helicopter with coaxial rotors developed by the Russian manufacturer Kamov JSC, produced by the Russian manufacturer KumAPE JSC. …
Kamov Ka-226T Specs, Interior, and Price - Helicopter Specs
Kamov Ka-226T Specs, Interior, and Price – Kamov Ka-226T is a light utility multirole helicopter with coaxial contra rotating rotor developed and produced by Kamov Design Bureau, a …
Kamov Ka-226 “Hoodlum” - Aero Corner
The Kamov Ka-226 is a Russian multi-purpose helicopter that was designed in the 1980s. The name “Hoodlum” comes from the fact that it’s small and agile. It has an asymmetrical rotor …
Kamov Ka26 & Ka-226 - Airliners.net
The uniquely configured Ka26 features two counter rotating main propellers, a Kamov characteristic that negates the need for an anti torque tail rotor. Other features include the two …