Kamov Ka-50 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-50 "Black Shark" (Russian: Чёрная акула, romanized: Chyornaya akula, English: kitefin shark), NATO reporting name Hokum A, is a Soviet/Russian single-seat attack helicopter with the distinctive coaxial rotor system of the Kamov design bureau. It was designed in the 1980s and adopted for service in the Russian army in 1995.
Ka-52 Alligator Attack Helicopter - Airforce Technology
2022年2月9日 · The Ka-52 is a highly manoeuvrable helicopter that can destroy enemy armoured and unarmoured ground targets, tanks, low-speed aerial targets and personnel at the frontline and in tactical depth. It is also deployed as a surveillance platform and aerial command post for a group of attack helicopters.
卡-52武装直升机 - 百度百科
卡-52“短吻鳄”(英文:Kamov Ka-52,俄文:Камов Ка-52,绰号:Аллигатор,北约代号:Hokum-B,“噱头-B”)武装直升机是苏联卡莫夫设计局(现俄罗斯直升机公司)设计的共轴反转双旋翼式并列双座武装直升机。
卡-50攻擊直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡-50「黑鯊」武装直升机 (英語: Ka-50)是苏联及俄罗斯的一型单座双发 共轴双三桨旋翼 (英语:Coaxial rotors) 多用途武装直升机。 卡-50武装直升机是世界上第一型 同軸反轉螺旋槳 武装直升机,也是世界上首型采用单人座舱的近距支援武装直升机,还是第一型装备弹射救生座椅的直升机,依照世界各国直升机划代标准属于第三代的级别。 作为俄罗斯下一代反坦克直升机,得益於重型武装直升机的規格,还可用于执行反舰、反潜、搜索和救援、电子侦察等任务。
Kamov Ka-52 Alligator: A next-generation combat helicopter
2022年12月23日 · The new state-of-art Russian combat helicopter designed as Kamov Ka-52 Alligator is a next-generation reconnaissance and combat helicopter, now battle-proven and combat-ready. It is primarily designed to destroy tanks, armored and non-armored ground targets, enemy troops, and helicopters on the front line and in tactical reserves.
Kamov Ka-52 Alligator: Russian Attack Helicopter is Lighter, …
2022年11月9日 · At $13.7 million each, Russia's deployment of the Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter has proven costly in more ways than one. Kamov Ka-52 "Alligator" attack helicopter captured firing during the annual Army Games defense technology international exhibition. (Leonid Faerberg/SOPA Images/LightRocket/ Getty Images)
卡-52武裝直升機(Ka-52):飛機簡介,研製背景,功能用途,結構布局,旋 …
卡-52“短吻鱷”(英文:Kamov Ka-52,俄文:Камов Ка-52,綽號:Аллигатор,北約代號:Hokum-B,“噱頭-B”)武裝直升機是蘇聯 卡莫夫設計局(現俄羅斯直升機公司)設計的共軸反轉雙旋翼式並列雙座武裝直升機。
Kamov Ka-52 – The Alligator - War History
2017年3月28日 · The Ka-52’s flattened snout with windshield halves resembling ‘eyes’ gave rise to a new popular name – Alligator. The designers strove to retain maximum structural and systems commonality with the Ka-50 – even down to flat windshields and car-type doors.
Kamov Ka-52 Alligator Helicopter - Naval Technology
2010年10月18日 · Kamov Ka-52 Alligator (NATO reporting name: Hokum B) is an all-weather combat helicopter developed by Kamov Design Bureau. The Ka-52 is a twin-seat version of the Ka-50 helicopter. It has been designed to attack armoured and unarmoured ground targets and low-speed air targets.
俄罗斯 卡-52K 短吻鳄Kamov 舰载武装直升机 - 知乎
卡-52K 是在卡-52基础上改进的舰载版,而卡-52又是在 卡-50 基础上改进的双座版,而卡-50是世界上第一型 同轴反转螺旋桨 武装直升机,还是第一型装备弹射救生座椅的直升机(传说可以提振士气,先炸段6片桨叶再弹射)1977年完成设计,1982年6月17日首飞。 同轴反转的好处是没有尾桨的功率浪费(12%左右,相当于功率增加),旋翼效率更高(旋翼面积可减小)而且由于相互抵消力矩,更稳定,更灵活,(天生适合舰载),但在大幅度机动时(比如翻筋斗)容易打桨坠 …