Kepler-39 b - Science@NASA
2024年10月24日 · Kepler-39 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a F-type star. Its mass is 20.1 Jupiters, it takes 21.1 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.164 AU from its star. Its …
Kepler-39b - Wikipedia
Kepler-39b (formerly known as KOI-423b), is a confirmed extrasolar object (either a Jovian planet or brown dwarf because of its mass) discovered orbiting the F-type star Kepler-39. It is …
开普勒39b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
开普勒39b (英语:Kepler-39b,先前称为 KOI-423b)是一个已确认的 太阳系外 天体。 由于其质量而它被认为可能是类木行星或 棕矮星。 该行星被发现绕F型恒星 开普勒39 运行。 它的质量 …
開普勒39b - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
開普勒39b (英語:Kepler-39b,先前稱為 KOI-423b )是一個已確認的 太陽系外 天體。 由於其質量而它被認為可能是類木行星或 棕矮星 。 該行星被發現繞F型恆星 開普勒39 運行。 它的 …
Kepler-39 - Wikipedia
Kepler-39 (2MASS J19475046+4602034) is an F-type main sequence star located in the constellation Cygnus. It is located about 3,500 light-years (1,070 parsecs) away. [ 1 ] One …
Kepler-39 | NASA Exoplanet Archive
Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets. Transit Timing Observations from Kepler. IX. Catalog of the Full Long …
Kepler 39b - THE EXOPLANET 08 - YouTube
Kepler-39b is a confirmed extrasolar object discovered orbiting the F-type star Kepler-39. It is formerly known as KOI 423b. Lets get to know more about Kepl...
Kepler-39 b - exoplanetkyoto.org
Kepler-39 b is an exoplanet orbiting the star Kepler-39, located about 3446.8 light-years (1056.8 pc) away from Solar System. Its discovery was publicly announced on 2011. The host star …
Determining Exoplanetary Oblateness Using Transit Depth …
2017年8月29日 · Using Kepler photometry, we examined the brown dwarf Kepler-39b and the warm Saturn Kepler-427b. We could not reliably constrain the oblateness of Kepler-39b. We …
Kepler-39b, formerly known as KOI-423b, is a Jupiter-like planet discovered in the orbit of F-type star Kepler-39. Kepler-39b is eighteen times more massive than Jupiter, and is about a five …