kauP - Liquipedia Age of Empires Wiki
Alexander "kauP" Hahn (born June 19, 1993) is a German Age of Empires IV (inactive) player.
kauP - AoE4 World
AoE4 World is website with Age of Empires 4 news, stats, tools, and much more.
kauP's Games – AoE4 World
AoE4 World is website with Age of Empires 4 news, stats, tools, and much more.
r/aoe4 on Reddit: Crackedy v kauP, Horsemen actually force the …
2023年3月15日 · My best guess is that Kaup clicked to move for a moment then attack again. With the command move it tried to move outside of pikeman. When attack was clicked, then he had to find free space. It's not because of horsman, but any unit that is super close to rams. Kaup must have given the ram a command. Then it got body blocked.
Props to Crackedy : r/aoe4 - Reddit
2023年3月22日 · Some may not know, but Crackedy (high level player and EGC caster) rage quit the game — deleted and everything — after losing an epic game to KauP on ladder, going down to a combination of mass bombard towers and rams. Check out Drongo’s cast of it: https://youtu.be/sxRZuBPkJ2Y. Now here comes Golden League 2 last …
Thoughts on KauP’s English strategy : r/aoe4 - Reddit
2022年2月20日 · Imo English and Abbasid are the only two civs viable for a fast TC (in 1v1, that is). The former have the cheap and efficient farm transition, the latter half-priced villagers and double berries.
kauP – AoE4 World
AoE4 World is website with Age of Empires 4 news, stats, tools, and much more.
HRE vs English Full Feudal! - Corvinus1 (Szalami) vs kauP - AoE4 ...
- Corvinus1 (Szalami) vs kauP - AoE4 Highlight Games #28 - YouTube. You do not see the HRE facing off against the English in a full-feudal battle very...
kauP's Game – AoE4 World
AoE4 World is website with Age of Empires 4 news, stats, tools, and much more. AoE4 World . Navigate to... Leaderboard. Solo Ranked; Team Ranked; Quick Match 1v1; Quick Match 2v2; Quick Match 3v3; Quick Match 4v4; Quick Match FFA; ...
kauP vs Szalami1 Bo13 Showmatch - Esports Earnings
2022年7月14日 · kauP vs Szalami1 Bo13 Showmatch prize pool and results in Online on July 14, 2022.