KAWAI电钢琴的木质键盘到底是噱头大还是真的好? - 知乎
kawai电钢琴的木质键盘到底是噱头大还是真的好? 从结构来粗略比较,KAWAI CN29/39的RH III键盘和CA28G的GFC键盘都具有模拟擒纵设计和配重块,键盘弹奏区与重锤区的力臂距看上去也相…
Does anybody else actually prefer the Kawai RH3 hammer action ... - Reddit
2021年3月10日 · Does anybody else actually prefer the Kawai RH3 hammer action over a real grand piano? I have a Nord Grand and I love the feeling of the keybed. Really precise, dynamic, and sparkly (for lack of a better word). All the "features" missing in comparison to a real grand are:
Kawai Keyboard Actions
Designed along the principles of the RHIII action, the RHC action delivers superb touch in a more compact and lightweight package, making it ideal for instruments such as the ES110 portable digital piano. The AHAIV-F is an earlier version action with the aforementioned graded hammers.
评价一款电钢琴键床机械结构的标准(个人观点) - 哔哩哔哩
yamaha gh3、korg rh3、kawai RHIII. GH3的手感和GH比较像,但是有了三触点不丢音了; korg RH3虽然是两触点,但调教和做工很棒,实际丢音现象不明显。这也是唯一一个不丢音的两触点键床。 kawai RHIII是带擒纵模拟的。实际上划到老高端键床也未尝不可。
Korg RH3 键盘浅析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
相比一些品牌用的注塑框架,rh3的钣金框架非常简单粗暴,高度也比较低,可以节省不少琴体空间。 从左到右分别是korg rh3、kawai rh3、yamaha ghs 插接式琴键:
RH3的代表作Korg LP380,2013年的优秀作品,手感音色性价比非常高; RM3的代表作卡哇伊 CA15,木质键盘,手感相当不错; GH3的代表作雅马哈 CLP430,手感音色一级棒;
Kawai RH3 vs Roland PHA-50 - Piano World Piano & Digital Piano …
2010年3月21日 · Rolands PHA-50 is definitely better than RH3 in my opinion, it's more comparable to grand feel II one which I had in mind. So basically both these actions are comparable, but looks like the Roland is much more compact and …
Difference between RHC and RHIII action in Kawai digital piano
2021年1月17日 · First, the Kawai ES 110, which has Responsive Hammer Compact (RHC) keyboard action. The second is Kawai CN 29 which has Responsive Hammer (RHIII) action. From the Kawai main website it seems like the technology, weight and sound of both would be the same (except that the ES110 is a smaller, more portable model).
卡瓦依KAWAI电钢琴哪种型号比较好? - 知乎
2021年9月8日 · RH3键盘 (Responsive Hammer III),以真实的杠杆运动结构重现KAWAI三角钢琴的非凡触感。 PHI,谐波成像, (安桥)开发的高级扬声器和音频系统。 音色来自于SK-EX和EX两种 三角钢琴 的音色,KAWAI的音色都偏柔和。 感觉我的回答对你有帮助,记得点一个赞,很感谢。 爱是凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是永不止息。 卡瓦依KAWAI电钢琴哪种型号比较好? 卡瓦依KAWAI是一家来自日本的钢琴制造商,成立于1927年。 该公司一直致力于提 …
卡瓦依KAWAI电钢琴哪种型号比较好? - 知乎
cn系列是卡瓦依kawai电钢琴系列中的入门级产品,价格相对较为亲民。 该系列的型号有CN25、CN27、CN29等。 这些型号都采用了新款的RH3键盘,声音质量也有所提升。
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