鷸鴕 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鹬鸵 yùtuó (英語: Kiwi),又譯為 奇异鸟 、 幾維鳥 、 奇威鳥,泛指 無翼鳥科 (Apterygidae)下的鳥, 无翼属 (Apteryx)是無翼鳥科唯一的屬,是 新西蘭 的 特有種,也是新西蘭的 國鳥 及象征。 “奇異鳥”因其叫聲“奇異”(kiwi)而得名,其蛋通常只由雄鳥孵化。 鷸鴕共分五種,其中四種屬易危,餘下一種屬近危。 現時,遭貓狗等外來哺乳動物捕食為鷸鴕存活的主要威脅。 在古老的新西蘭的南北兩島上,因為沒有走獸和蛇,鳥類不必逃避,地面上的食物豐 …
奇異鳥 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
奇異鳥 (英語: Kiwi),又譯為 鷸鴕 ㄩˋ ㄊㄨㄛˊ 、 幾維鳥 、 奇威鳥,泛指 無翼鳥科 (Apterygidae)下的鳥, 無翼鳥屬 (Apteryx)是無翼鳥科唯一的屬,是 紐西蘭 的 特有種,也是紐西蘭的 國鳥 及象徵。 「奇異鳥」因其叫聲「奇異」(kiwi)而得名,其蛋通常只由雄鳥孵化。 奇異鳥共分五種,其中四種屬易危,餘下一種屬近危。 現時,遭貓狗等外來哺乳動物捕食為奇異鳥存活的主要威脅。 在古老的紐西蘭的南北兩島上,因為沒有走獸和蛇,鳥類不必逃避,地面 …
Kiwi (bird) - Wikipedia
Kiwi (/ ˈkiːwiː / KEE-wee) [4] are flightless birds endemic to New Zealand of the order Apterygiformes. The five extant species fall into the family Apterygidae (/ ˌæptəˈrɪdʒədiː /) and genus Apteryx (/ ˈæptərɪks /). [5] .
Kagu - Wikipedia
The kagu or cagou (Rhynochetos jubatus) is a crested, long-legged, and bluish-grey bird endemic to the dense mountain forests of New Caledonia. It is the only surviving member of the genus Rhynochetos and the family Rhynochetidae, [3] although a second species has been described from the fossil record.
Kiwi - Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and Interesting Facts
The Kiwi comprises a small group of birds that live on the islands of New Zealand. Researchers recognize five distinct species of these birds, including the Great Spotted, Little Spotted, Okarito, Common, and North Island Brown Kiwi.
11 Cool Kiwi Bird Facts - Fact Animal
Kiwi are flightless birds, endemic to New Zealand and the smallest ratite, which also includes ostriches, emus, rheas and cassowaries. Unlike the fruit, kiwi birds don’t taste very nice. At least not to humans. Sadly, too many other animals disagree, …
10 facts about the kiwi | WWF-New Zealand
2025年1月28日 · The kiwi is a national taonga (treasure) in Aotearoa New Zealand. This special bird is truly a cultural icon – no wonder New Zealanders are known as ‘kiwis’ around the world. Here are some things you might not know about the kiwi. 1.IT TAKES ALL TYPES
It lays record-breaking eggs, has nostrils on its beak and flirts by ...
These nocturnal birds live in a variety of habitats, including forests (native and plantation), scrub, farmland, sand dunes and mangroves. By day they rest in burrows, hollow trees or logs, or …
Kiwi Facts - National Kiwi Hatchery
It is the only bird in the world with nostrils at the end of its beak. Its sense of smell is second to none. It has no tail feathers but does have whiskers, like a cat. It has marrow in its bones, just like a human. Very unusually, females have two ovaries, most birds have only one.
无翼鸟科 - 百度百科
无翼鸟科(学名:Apterygidae):属于鸟纲无翼鸟目,该科仅1属5种,通称“ 几维鸟 ”,分布于新西兰。 “几维”翻译于其英文名“kiwis”。 体型如鸡,雌大雄小。 体长48-84厘米,体重1.25-4.00千克;羽呈毛状,形似发丝;嘴峰细长而稍下弯,鼻孔位近嘴端,嗅觉灵敏;两翼退化,不能飞行;腿短而强健,善走;足具4趾,3前1后。 背侧羽毛大多暗褐色,腹侧色较淡而具黑褐条纹;无尾羽。 几维鸟在全世界一共有5种,几维鸟的名字是因为它们的鸣叫声非常尖锐,听起来特别 …