Killer Queen | A Universal Time Roblox Wiki | Fandom
Killer Queen (キラークイーン Kirākuīn) is the Rare stand of a Japanese serial killer, in the small town of Morioh, named Yoshikage Kira in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is …
Subpowers | A Universal Time Roblox Wiki | Fandom
Subpowers are a Game Mechanic that was added in the New Universe 3.8 Update, and allows players to gain extra abilities along with their existing ones. Subpowers are all separate for …
King Crimson | A Universal Time Roblox Wiki | Fandom
King Crimson (or simply " KC ") is the Rare Stand of Diavolo, the main Antagonist of Vento Aureo (Golden Wind). It is a powerful and quick close-ranged Stand, being to impale one's stomach …
[AUT] New Mythic KQ Hazard Showcase - YouTube
Join my discord server https://discord.gg/kKprhpgmEy Roblox group:https://www.roblox.com/groups/3950296...all the audios I use in videos are not mine#aut …
[AUT] Killer Queen: HAZARD | Showcase - YouTube
2023年9月10日 · https://discord.gg/avDsGUjmrnOften giveaways! :)#aut #roblox #jojo #jjba #jojosbizzareadventure #reaper #autupdate #autnewupdate #dawn #autt #crazydiamond #j...
2023年5月7日 · SUBSCRIBEJoin My Discord https://discord.gg/CRCHvGpnxm
King Crimson (KC) | Roblox A Universal Time Wiki | Fandom
King Crimson launches a chop at the enemy, stunning them dealing 50 dmg (75 if crit) on the initial hit, and deals 15x6 dmg as an after effect. Has a cooldown of 5 seconds. T- Epitaph. …
King Crimson Alternate Universe (KC:AU) - Roblox A Universal …
King Crimson: Alternate Universe, often shortened to KC: AU, is the non-canonical version of King Crimson that appears in the light novel: Jorge Joestar, a non-canon story in the Jojo universe. …
King Crimson | A Universal Time Wiki | Fandom
"It is only the results that remain in this world! All the actions you take in a world where time is erased are meaningless!" King Crimson (キング・クリムゾン Kingu Kurimuzon), sometimes …
King Of Curses | A Universal Time Roblox Wiki | Fandom
To obtain the King of Curses there is only 1 route. The player must travel to the Shibuya District by teleporting there using the interaction at the Train Station. When the player teleports there, …