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Potassium Difluorophosphate as an Electrolyte Additive for …
Aug 12, 2020 · X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy analyses have confirmed the reversible formation of a phase-pure stage-1 potassium-graphite intercalation compound (KC 8) with the aid of KDFP. The enhanced electrochemical performance by the KDFP addition is discussed based on the analysis of the SEI layer on graphite and K metal electrodes by X-ray ...
二氟磷酸钾作为钾离子电池的电解质添加剂。,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces …
Jul 21, 2020 · 本文首次通过促进稳定的k + +的形成,证明了二氟磷酸钾(kdfp)电解质添加剂是解决这些瓶颈的可行方案。 石墨上的导电固体-电解质中间相(SEI)。
二氟磷酸钠:易于合成,结构和电化学行为,可 ... - X-MOL
Thus, in this study, NaDFP salt prepared via ion exchange of KDFP and NaPF is characterized using single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Raman and infrared (IR) spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), and thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA).
Comprehensive Insights into Electrolytes and Solid Electrolyte ...
Jun 1, 2021 · Matsumoto et al. developed potassium difluorophosphate (KDFP) electrolyte additive to promote the generation of robust SEI on graphite, significantly improving the cycle life and CE of the battery [81]. A capacity retention (76.8%) over 400 cycles and the average CE (99.9%) of graphite are obtained in electrolyte with KDFP (0.2 wt%).
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Festo - Support Portal - Quarter turn actuator units KDFP
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