Keila-Joa - Wikipedia
Keila-Joa is a small borough (Estonian: alevik) in Lääne-Harju Parish, Harju County, northern Estonia. It has a population of 373 (as of 1 January 2019). [1] The Estonian name Keila-Joa literally means "Keila Falls", named after the river, distinguishing it from the town of Keila.
Keila waterfall - Visit Estonia
Keila waterfall is located on Keila River in Harju County, Keila rural municipality, Keila-Joa small town. A full 6 metres high, and tens of metres wide, Keila waterfall is the third largest waterfall in Estonia; after the Narva and Jägala waterfalls.
AVALEHT - Schloss Fall
Keila-Joa loss Schloss Fall asub Tallinnast vaid 32 km kaugusel mere lähedal ning on ümbritsetud kauni pargiga kust avaneb maaliline vaade Keila-Joa joale. Langeva vee tõttu sai see kaitseala pärl omale nimeks "Schloss Fall". Lossi peamajas asub 5 …
Keila-Joa castle Schloss Fall | Hotel & Restaurant | Estonia
Keila-Joa Castle Schloss Fall is a luxury boutique hotel. We offer spacious deluxe rooms and suites with all amenities. Free parking is available on site. From the windows of the castle you can admire the beautiful castle park and one of the highest and most beautiful waterfalls in Estonia, Keila-Joa waterfall.
Keila-Joa Manor and Schloss Fall Museum - Visit Estonia
was first performed for Tsar Nicholas I by its composer Aleksei Lvov at Keila-Joa. This manor complex was built in 1833 in the neo-gothic style according to the designs of Hans von Stackenschneider, who would go on to become one of the key minds of …
Keila-Joa – Vikipeedia
Keila-Joa on alevik Harju maakonnas Lääne-Harju vallas. Alevikus elas 2011. aasta rahvaloenduse andmetel 389 inimest. Neist 262 (67,4%) olid eestlased. [4] 2000. aastal oli elanikke 383. Aastatel 1992–2017 kuulus alevik Keila valda.
Keila Falls - Wikipedia
Keila Falls [1] [2] (Estonian: Keila juga) is a waterfall in northern Estonia on the Keila River. It is the third most powerful waterfall in Estonia after Narva Falls and Jägala Waterfall . [ 3 ] It is 6 metres (20 feet) high and 60–70 metres (200–230 feet) wide.
凱伊拉瀑布 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
凱伊拉瀑布(愛沙尼亞語: Keila juga )是一條位於愛沙尼亞北部的瀑布,處凱伊拉河之上,高6米,寬60至70米 [1] 。
Keila jõgi – Vikipeedia
Keila jõgi on Soome lahe vesikonna pikim jõgi, voolab Rapla- ja Harjumaa territooriumil. Jõgi saab alguse Kuimetsa külast 5 km lõunakagu pool ja suubub Soome lahte . Tähtsamad lisajõed on Atla ja Maidla .
Keila-Joa park, selle ajalugu ja õpperada koos piltidega
Keila-Joa ajalooline õpperada. Keila-Joa õpperada tutvustab piirkonna ajalugu ja vaatamisväärsusi. Selle pikkus on ainult 3 kilomeetrit. See on ringtee, mis kulgeb läbi pargi ja piki Keila jõge. Jalutuskäik ja vaatamisväärsuste vaatamine …
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