Kel 12 - Cultura del Viaggio
UN EVENTO UNICO NEL CUORE DI ISTANBUL. Dal vivo e in diretta streaming. Prenota il tuo posto a [email protected]. Dal 1978 organizziamo viaggi culturali ed esplorazioni in tutto il mondo, caratterizzati da autenticità e sostenibilità. Itinerari unici e immersivi, a contatto con la natura, la storia, l'arte. Occasioni d'incontro con popoli e culture.
Beam Profile Measurements for KEK 12 GeV Proton Synchrotron
Beam Profile Measurements for KEK 12 GeV Proton Synchrotron Published in: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science ( Volume: 24 , Issue: 3 , June 1977 ) Article #:
高能加速器研究機構 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
高能加速器研究機構 (日语: 高エネルギー加速器研究機構,簡稱KEK)原為隸屬於 日本 文部省 的國家實驗室,於2004年改制為法人後,隸屬於日本 大學共同利用機關法人,為 高能物理學 與 加速器科學 的綜合研究機構。 KEK最早是在1997年4月1日,由原來的高能物理研究所、東京大學原子核研究所以及東京大學理學院所附屬的介子科學研究中心改組而成的,成為一所綜合研究所大學(綜合研究大學院大學)。 簡稱為 KEK,是沿用原來的 高能物理研究所 的略稱。 同時,原 …
The superconducting kaon spectrometer — SKS - ScienceDirect
1995年7月15日 · A superconducting kaon spectrometer has been installed in the north experimental hall of the KEK 12-GeV proton synchrotron. The spectrometer was designed to serve for nuclear physics experiments with meson beams in the 1 GeV/c region, particular emphasis being laid on study of Λ-hypernuclei via (π +, K +) reactions. In order to obtain Λ ...
Acceleration of the polarized proton beam at the KEK 12 GeV ps
1988年11月1日 · The KEK PS is the first cascaded synchrotron which has demonstrated acceleration of a polarized beam. 1. Introduction The polarized proton acceleration project at the KEK 12 GeV PS was started in 1981.
Neutron beam line at the KEK 12-GeV PS - ScienceDirect
1996年11月21日 · A neutron beam line has been constructed at the KEK-proton synchrotron. Neutrons have been produced by the disintegration reactions of deuterons in a 6 cm thick beryllium target. Deuteron beams of 2–6 GeV have provided neutron beams of 1–3 GeV.
Future of KEK PS Complex Possibility of Operation Extension Shutdown Scenario . 1. Facility ... Main Ring 12 GeV, Fast Ext. (2.2 second cycle), Slow Ext. & Internal Target (4 second cycle) Beam Utility 500 MeV Protons from Booster NML(Neutron Meson Laboratory) Neutron Science Meson Science (Proton Therapy :closed in July, 2000) 12 GeV protons ...
Performance of the main ring magnet power supply of the KEK 12 …
Abstract: The main ring magnet power supply of the Japan National Laboratory for High-Energy Physics (KEK) 12-GeV PS (proton synchrotron) consists of several twelve-pulse thyristor rectifiers with DC filters, two reactive power compensators with tuned AC harmonic filter and an analog and digital hybrid control system. This magnet power system ...
BEAN PROFILE MEASUREMENTS FOR KEK 12 GEV PROTON SYNCHROTRON H. Ishimaru, Z. Igarashi, K. Muto and S. Shibata National Laboratory for High Energy Physics Oho-machi, Tsukuba-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 300-32, Japan Introduction …
Performance of primary and secondary beam lines of the KEK 12 GeV Proton Synchrotron (KEK-PS) will be described. -The KEK-PS is the first accelerator constructed at KEK and is still serving physicists with excellent beams. Now two experimental halls, i.e. the North Hall and the East Hall are ready for counter experiments using proton beams …