the office - What does the "keleven" digit look like? - Movies & TV ...
2013年5月19日 · In the Finale episode of The Office, we learn that one reason Kevin was fired, was for using his made-up number "kelevin" to correct accounting errors. His replacement is …
How does the USS Franklin fit in the pre-Kelvin Timeline?
2016年7月24日 · Furthermore, Pegg's proposal seems to be based on a misconception--he thought Sulu was born before 2233 when Nero arrived and the Kelvin incident occurred, but …
Who is Scoutmaster Kevin? - Movies & TV Stack Exchange
2019年6月19日 · During this scene in Deadpool 2, after Wade wipes his face, he asks, 'Scoutmaster Kevin?'. Is he referring to a real-life person? A character in another movie pe...
When did the writers decide that Dallas season 9 was a dream?
2012年9月16日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
Why does Chekov say that he remembers Khan in “Star Trek II: The …
SPOCK: You are assuming that Nero knows how events are predicted to unfold. To the contrary, Nero's very presence has altered the flow of history, beginning with the attack on the USS …
Did August Walker fake this injury? - Movies & TV Stack Exchange
2018年8月22日 · There's a scene in Mission Impossible: Fallout, where Ethan Hunt and August Walker skydive out of a plane. Suddenly they fly through a thunder cloud and August Walker …
How old is Andy in Toy Story 2? - Movies & TV Stack Exchange
Considering the first toy story is set in 1995, and the fact he was Turing eight at his birthday party when he got Buzz and the second film if you consider its release year being 1999 it would be …
character - Shouldn't Warren Worthington III be just a little child ...
2016年1月22日 · Quickly using their databanks to determine his identity prior to awakening him, Admiral Marcus orders that Khan's face and voice be reconstructed from their Indian origins to …
person of interest - What is the significance of the password?
2016年6月23日 · The password "Dashwood" is a reference to the protagonist of Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility" and it serves as a parallel between the novel's conflict between sense …
How fast is the spore drive compared to other ships in the show?
2017年10月10日 · There's all kinds of reasons the spore drive could be abandoned. Examples: - turns out to be a massive failure - turns out to be way to tedious/expensive to build vs …