Kepler-9 - Wikipedia
Kepler-9 is a sunlike star in the constellation Lyra. Its planetary system, discovered by the Kepler Mission in 2010 was the first detected with the transit method found to contain multiple planets. Kepler-9 was named for the Kepler Mission, a project headed by NASA that was designed to search for Earth-like planets. [8]
Kepler-9 d - Science@NASA
2024年10月25日 · Kepler-9 d is a super Earth exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. Its mass is 8.41466 Earths, it takes 1.6 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0273 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2010.
克卜勒9 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
克卜勒9 (Kepler-9)是一個位於 天琴座, 克卜勒太空望遠鏡 視野內的 類太陽恆星。 克卜勒9已確定發現三顆 系外行星,都是以 凌日法 發現。 前兩顆行星於2010年8月26日宣布發現,第三顆則於2011年1月1日宣布發現。 這是首次以凌日法發現多顆行星的行星系。 克卜勒9的其中兩顆行星互為 軌道共振。 克卜勒9的名稱由來自NASA專門尋找太陽系外 類地行星 的 克卜勒太空望遠鏡 [3]。 該恆星並無固有名稱。 2010年6月,克卜勒太空望遠鏡上線觀測後43日,該計畫的科學家提出 …
Kepler-9d - Wikipedia
Kepler-9d (formerly known as KOI-377.03) is a planet in orbit around the Sun-like star Kepler-9. Initially discovered by Kepler space telescope, a terrestrial planet-searching satellite built and operated by NASA, Kepler-9d is most likely a Super-Earth, with an estimated radius approximately 60% larger than that of Earth's, although its exact ...
Kepler-9: The first multi-transiting system and the first transit ...
2018年11月1日 · Kepler-9, discovered by Holman et al. (2010), was the first system with multiple confirmed transiting planets and the first system to clearly show long-anticipated transit timing variations (TTVs). It was the first major novel exoplanet discovery of the …
Kepler-9: A System of Multiple Planets Transiting a Sun-Like Star ...
2010年8月26日 · The Kepler data pipeline identified two transiting-planet candidates orbiting a star now designated Kepler-9 (KIC 3323887, 2MASS 19021775+3824032, KOI-377) and performed a series of checks to exclude common false positives (8–10).
开普勒9 - 百度百科
开普勒9(Kepler-9)是一个位于天琴座,开普勒太空望远镜视野内的类太阳恒星。 开普勒9已确定发现三颗系外行星,都是以凌日法发现。 前两颗行星于2010年8月26日宣布发现,第三颗则于2011年1月1日宣布发现。
Kepler-9d - 百度百科
Kepler-9d原名KOI-377.03,是一颗绕类太阳恒星Kepler-9旋转的行星,最初由开普勒太空望远镜(类地行星搜索卫星,由NASA掌控)发现。 Kepler-9d很可能是一个超级地球,尽管实际质量不能确定,但半径约比地球半径大60%,在距Kepler-9恒星408万公里(0.0273天文单位)的极近 ...
Kepler-9 | NASA Exoplanet Archive
Catalog of the Full Long-cadence Data Set. TRADES: A new software to derive orbital parameters from observed transit times and radial velocities. Revisiting Kepler-11 and Kepler-9.
Kepler-9 - NASA
2010年8月24日 · Kepler-9. The First System of Multiple Transiting Planets, Confirmed by Timing Variations. Image credit: Darin RagozzineView full-resolution. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA explores the unknown in air and space, innovates for the benefit of humanity, and inspires the world through discovery.