Kevlar KM2 - Wikipedia
Kevlar KM2 is a synthetic para-aramid fiber produced by DuPont. The fiber is an evolution of the original Kevlar fiber. The following quotes summarize Kevlar KM2's properties.
Kevlar® KM2® Plus - DuPont
Kevlar® KM2 Plus fiber is our highest grade protective fiber for military use and offers increased process-ability for conversion to woven fabrics and structures for ballistic fabric weavers and …
Kevlar® Fiber - DuPont
Kevlar® KM2 Woven into fabric meeting performance requirements for helmets and vests for military and high-performing UDs for spall liners. High tenacity, high toughness, and finer …
Kevlar® 纤维 | 杜邦™ - DuPont
Kevlar® KM2 编织成符合军用头盔和背心性能要求的织物,以及用于防剥落衬层的高性能 UD。 高强度、高韧性和细纤度纤维,用于军事和执法人员的背心和头盔。
Mechanical Properties of Kevlar® KM2 Single Fiber
2005年4月1日 · For a linear, elastic, and transversely isotropic material, five material constants are needed to describe its stress-strain response. In this paper, stress-strain behavior …
Kevlar® 防刀刺面料 - DuPont
杜邦™ Kevlar® 具有业界领先的抗切割和抗穿刺性能,可以避免严重的刺伤危险,包括小刀、刀片和自制武器的刺伤危险。 生命防护 应用领域
Hypervelocity Impact Study for Migration from Kevlar® KM2® 705 to KM2 ...
Dupont™, the manufacturer of Kevlar®, has begun migrating from KM2® to KM2® Plus for ballistic textiles. Kevlar® KM2® has become an essential element of numerous meteoroid and …
Mechanical Properties of Kevlar ® KM2 Single Fiber
2005年4月6日 · Kevlar® KM2 fiber is a transversely isotropic material. Its tensile stress-strain response in the axial direction is linear and elastic until failure. However, the overall …
Kevlar® KM2® has become an essential element of numerous meteoroid and orbital debris (MMOD) shield systems primarily as a multi-layer insulation (MLI) enhancement, and as such, …
Material constants of Kevlar KM2 fibers | Download Table
Kevlar (R) KM2 fiber is a transversely isotropic material. Its tensile stress-strain response in the axial direction is linear and elastic until failure. However, the overall deformation in the...