Watch: Bizarre 'Plasma Jellybean' UFO Spotted Over Oklahoma City
2025年2月18日 · An Oklahoma City man captured mystifying footage and photos of a bizarre UFO that he likened to a jellybean filled with plasma. According to a local media report, the odd sighting occurred on January 25th as Chris Frederick …
Canada releases image of UFO downed by US fighter jet | Fox News
2024年9月25日 · A newly released image shows a UFO that was brought down last year by a U.S. military fighter jet in Canadian airspace.
不明飞行物 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1947年6月24日, 美國人 肯尼士·阿諾德 在 華盛頓州 雷尼爾山 上空驾驶着自用 飛機,突然發現有九個白色碟狀的不明飛行物體,根據他的目測,這些物體以約每小時1600或1900公里高速飛過,並轉眼消失。 他向地面塔台喊出: "I see flying saucer." (我看見了飛舞的碟子。 )引起 美國 極大的轟動。 由於飛碟這個名詞形容得很貼切,於是就在世界各地廣泛流傳。 其後一名記者在報紙上首次使用了UFO這個縮寫,即不明飛行物,被人們一直沿用至今。 1952年7月19日晚上, 美 …
五角大廈不明飛行物體影片 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
五角大廈不明飛行物體影片(英語: Pentagon UFO videos )2004年、2014年和2015年美國海軍戰鬥機在尼米茲號航空母艦和西奧多·羅斯福號航空母艦上的駕駛艙儀表顯示器的精選視覺記錄,以及其他海軍人員在2019年拍攝的額外鏡頭。被廣泛描述為官方記錄不明飛行物的 ...
Watch: Woody Harrelson Shares 'Freaky' UFO Sighting Experience
2025年2月27日 · Actor Woody Harrelson recently shared what he described as a "freaky" UFO sighting that he experienced decades ago. The revelation occurred this past Monday evening during an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
UFO expert warns 'catastrophic' alien contact will occur 'sooner
Many experts in the field believe the Pentagon is sitting on proof of various UFO crashes in the States and beyond, claiming a controlled release would stop a "catastrophic" unfiltered disclosure...
What to Do in Portland May 11-17, 2022 - Willamette Week
2022年5月10日 · The McMenamins UFO Festival is back, Portland Opera’s former music director will take the stage again, the Pickles debut their documentary, and Triangle sings about sex work on a barge.
Flying Saucer Photographed Above Sizeable Jesus Statue in Mexico
2025年2月26日 · A peculiar photograph from Mexico shows a saucer-shaped UFO in the sky above a sizeable statue of Jesus Christ. The intriguing image was reportedly snapped by a witness in the city of Silao, which boasts a huge hill, known as Cerro del Cubilete, which is said to be the geographic center of the country.
Intermittent clone failures since 09/11/2024 - kex_exchange
2024年9月16日 · It seems like AWS Amplify users are experiencing intermittent issues when cloning repositories from GitHub, particularly since 09/11. The error message "kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" is being encountered, followed by the connection closing by port 22, and the failure to read from the repository.
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