2fa验证 双重验证码/二步验证码获取工具(相当于谷歌身份验证器的网页版),使用时任选1种方式输入密钥获取即可。 点击获取验证码 JS实现
The Best Hardware Security Keys for 2025 | PCMag
2024年9月4日 · When shopping for a hardware security key, look for at least FIDO U2F certification because it means the key works in just about every basic security key context.
2FA 安全密钥设置教程 | 如何使用 Yubikey! · YubikeyCN
2022年4月13日 · 这将允许您访问存储在设备上的 2fa 代码。 设置任何新代码 :要设置新代码,只需登录您要保护的在线帐户,找到安全设置并找到 2FA 菜单。 当您找到“添加身份验证器应用程序”时,他们会给您一个二维码和一个手动代码。
The Best Security Key for Multi-Factor Authentication
2025年2月21日 · Multi-factor authentication (or MFA) is the best way to safeguard an account, because once MFA is enabled, an attacker won’t be able to access it—even if they have...
Yubico | YubiKey Strong Two Factor Authentication
Get the YubiKey, the #1 security key, offering strong two factor authentication from industry leader Yubico.
一文带你看懂 Two-factor authentication(2FA) 的密码学原理 - 知乎
硬件型 2FA. 像在 App Store 上购买 App 时需要指纹,或者网银转账时需要用到的 U 盾,只有通过那只随身携带在身上的硬件才能通过验证,这些都属于硬件型的 2FA 。 软件型 2FA. 而今天要讲的 OTP(One Time Password) 就是软件型的 2FA 。
What is 2FA (Two Factor Authentication)? | YubiKey | Yubico
Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA or two-step verification) is a method to confirm a user’s claimed online identity by using a combination of two different types of factors. A password is typically considered one factor, and with 2FA that is …
9 Best Hardware Security Keys for Two-Factor Authentication [2025]
2024年12月30日 · Two-factor authentication has widely been adopted as a more secure way of protecting and granting access to user accounts through a two-step login process. In this article, we will cover what two-factor authentication is, why it is essential, and look at some of the best hardware security keys for Two-factor authentication.
Yubico - YubiKey 5C NFC - Two-Factor authentication (2FA) Security Key …
2020年9月1日 · MULTI-PROTOCOL: YubiKey 5 Series is the most versatile security key supporting multiple authentication protocols including FIDO2/WebAuthn (hardware bound passkey), FIDO U2F, Yubico OTP, OATH-TOTP, OATH-HOTP, Smart card (PIV) and OpenPGP. DURABLE AND RELIABLE: High quality design and resistant to tampering, water, and crushing.
2FA验证码生成器 - 蔚蓝工具
通过蔚蓝工具的2FA验证码生成器,轻松生成基于时间的一次性验证码(TOTP)。支持Google Authenticator等主流应用,提供更安全的账户保护方案。