Temporal Variations in Aboveground Biomass, Nutrient Content, …
2024年7月7日 · Specifically, the average individual biomass ranges from 17.3 kg/tree in 8-year-old stands to 34.5 kg/tree in 12-year-old stands. In contrast, older forests aged 20 and 25 years display significantly higher individual tree biomass, averaging 241.0 kg/tree and …
Allometric Equations for Aboveground and Belowground Biomass ...
2016年6月16日 · The predicted above ground biomass (AGB) of the sample trees (kg tree-1) made by our FG-aggregated model and by a number of regional and pan-tropical models.
Linking functional traits with tree growth and forest …
2021年9月10日 · We hypothesized that the forest productivity (kg ha −1 year −1) is related to the forest biomass (kg ha −1) and RGR (g kg −1 year −1). The forest biomass can be decomposed in the mean tree biomass and the tree density, whereas RGR can be explained by functional traits and abiotic factors.
Full article: Biomass production and carbon stocks estimate in …
2019年7月25日 · Explanatory and predicted values of total dry biomass (kg tree-1) and the associated root mean square error for each fitted model.
Relationship between tree biomass (kg tree⁻¹) and DBH (a) and tree ...
Promoting tree growth (D and H) and carbon sequestration through appropriate stand management practices (stand thinning, tree pruning and fertiliser application) is essential for maximising ...
Allometric equations for estimating the above-ground biomass …
2009年3月31日 · The linear regression of natural log transformation of DBH (cm) and total above-ground biomass (TAGB) (kg/tree) of Dipterocarpus (a), Hopea (b), Palaquium (c), Shorea (d), commercial species (e) and mixed species (f). The number of trees for every regression is 20, 20, 19, 24, 83 and 122, respectively.
2023年3月1日 · 该研究团队评估了来自30多万张卫星图像的99多亿棵树,覆盖了赤道以北半干旱的撒哈拉以南非洲地区。 该课题组通过耦合现场数据、机器学习、卫星数据和高性能计算,将年降雨量在0 - 1000毫米的区域的每棵树的木材、树叶和根部的碳含量进行了归纳。 单株的平均碳储量从干旱地区的0.54 Mg C ha -1 和63 kg C tree -1 到半湿润地区的3.7 Mg C ha -1 和98 kg tree -1 不等。 总的来说,研究人员估计他们研究区域的总碳为0.84 (±19.8%)Pg C。 与此前14个针对该区 …
Biomass (kg tree−1) of various parts of an apple tree with various …
Fruit trees can grow for years and continue to sequester carbon as they add biomass. We examined several studies on carbon storage by fruit tree species and the various benefits derived from...
Potential Carbon Storage and Sequestration by Urban Trees in …
2022年11月30日 · For park tree species, Pterocarpus indicus sequesters more carbon (249.77 kg tree −1 year −1) between age 50 and 51 compared to other tree species in the same age group. Results of this study can guide local landscape authorities in planting suitable tree species in urban landscapes to mitigate climate change impacts.
Melia volkensii tree growing in drylands of Kenya have a potential of reversing environmental degradation and at the same time improved farmer’s livelihoods through sale of high quality timber. Melia planted on-farms support smallholder farmer’s livelihoods and play an …