二战德国空军旧照(6)“罗马号”杀手-道尼尔DO217轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年9月13日 · do217是二战时德国空军为了替代do17而开发的双引擎轰炸机,1940年开始服役。新的发动机配置使得其时速一度超过了ju88,其载弹量也在双发轰炸机中名列前茅。do217可以装载多种航弹,包括弗里茨x无线电滑翔制导炸弹和hs293制导炸弹。
Asisbiz Dornier Do 217E1 5.KG40-F8+GN based in Bordeaux …
2024年7月29日 · While the Do 217 had a max range of 2,145 km and ceiling height of 7,370 m or (24,180 ft). The Dornier 217 also out performed its other Luftwaffe rivals the Heinkel He 111 and Junkers Ju 88 . In its day quiet a remarkable aircarft - asisbiz.
Dornier Do 217 in II./KG 2 and II./ KG 40, Cognac, France 1941-42 ...
2016年1月1日 · The Dornier Do 217 was the first new bomber design to enter large scale service with the Luftwaffe during the course of WW II. Introduced in early 1941, the Do 217 E-1 was at the time the fastest and heaviest German bomber in service and during the mid-war period played a major role in the night attacks on Britain with Kampfgeschwader 2 .
Kampfgeschwader 40 - ww2.dk
A new 2./KG40 was formed from 8./KG40 with He 177. The 3./KG40 moved to Trondheim-Vaernes in 11.43, probably still with Fw 200C. 3./KG40 remained in Norway (Trondheim), until joined by the rest of the Gruppe in 7.44.
Dornier Do 217 - Warbirds Resource Group
The first bomber unit to receive the Dornier Do 217 was II Gruppe of Kampfgeschwader 40 (II/KG 40) in March 1941, followed by KG 2 later that year. At first these units, based in the Netherlands, were used to carry out minelaying and anti-shipping operations over the North Sea.
1/144 CafeReo Dornier Do-217 5/KG40 Luftwaffe German …
2025年2月19日 · BIGBIRD 3. 1/144 CafeReo Dornier Do-217 5/KG40 Luftwaffe GERMAN BOMBER. NO BOX but Have a manual. We will inform you again.
Dornier Do 217 KG40 'Motorenstart' - 'start your engine' - Atlas ...
Von 1939 bis Ende 1943 wurden insgesamt 1925 Do 217 aller Varianten für die deutsche Luftwaffe gebaut, 1944 folgten noch einige Umbauten für spezielle Anforderungen. Das Kampfgeschwader 40 und das Kampfgeschwader 100 setzten die Do 217 vornehmlich zur Schiffsbekämpfung ein.
【图片】二战德国空军旧照——道尼尔Do217中型轰炸机(1)【 …
2023年9月16日 · 二战德国空军旧照——..前言do217是二战时德国空军为了替代do17而开发的双引擎轰炸机,1940年开始服役。新的发动机配置使得其时速一度超过了ju88,其载弹量也在双发轰炸机中名列前茅。do217可以装载多种航弹,包括弗
Dornier Do 217-E2 Refurbishment***FINISHED
2020年6月4日 · A great potted history of the Do-217 Pete, very interesting. A KG40 sounds like a great choice to me.
Identity of the Do-217E-5 that sank HMS Spartan?
2023年2月20日 · The Dornier Do 217 from II/KG40 were based at Cognac until july 1941 and after that at Soesterberg in the Netherlands until march 1943. III/KG100 based at Istres had Do 217 K-2 equipped with the Henschel HS 293 but it took not …