Inpangela: Guinea Fowl are Strong Magic for Your Homestead
2024年8月23日 · In the old language of Botswana, Setswana, the name for the guinea fowl is kgaka which indicates a creature who is always exerting an effort. If I say to you in Setswanan, …
Helmeted guineafowl - Wikipedia
Introduced to Western Cape, Madagascar and elsewhere. The helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) is the best known of the guineafowl bird family, Numididae, and the only member of …
Helmeted Guinea-fowl - SANBI
2018年5月20日 · These large, chicken-liked birds can easily be recognised by their relatively large size (53–58 cm), dark grey bodies with white speckles and by their featherless, helmet-like …
Kgaka =Guineafowl, pet speckled hen,... - Schoonoord ONline
Kgaka =Guineafowl, pet speckled hen, or original fowl. Guineafowl meat is drier and leaner than chicken meat and has a gamey flavour. It has marginally...
kgaka in English - Northern Sotho-English Dictionary | Glosbe
Check 'kgaka' translations into English. Look through examples of kgaka translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
Nick's Restaurant & Catering, Plot 14447, unit 2, Kamushongo …
Guineafowl Cuisine: dishes like Kgaka Meat and Guineafowl Stew. African Cuisine: traditional African recipes with guineafowl Other Cuisines: Tswana Chicken cuisine
Kgaka =Guineafowl, pet speckled hen, or original fowl. Guineafowl meat …
2019年11月7日 · Kgaka =Guineafowl, pet speckled hen, or original fowl. Guineafowl meat is drier and leaner than chicken meat and has a gamey flavour. It has marginally more protein than …
Kgaka - Wikipedia, Ensaeklopedia ya mahala
Kgaka (plural Dikgaka) ke Guineafowl ka Seisimane, kane Tarentaal ka Afrikaans. Letlakala le fetotšwe la mafelelo ka 08:18, 15 Moranang 2021. Text is available under the Creative …
Sesotho-English translation :: kgaka :: Dictionary
kgaka = guinea fowl. The Sesotho to English online dictionary. Check spelling and grammar. Sesotho-English translations. Over 10,000 English
What does kgaka mean? - Definitions.net
Information and translations of kgaka in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.