Inpangela: Guinea Fowl are Strong Magic for Your Homestead
2024年8月23日 · In the old language of Botswana, Setswana, the name for the guinea fowl is kgaka which indicates a creature who is always exerting an effort. If I say to you in Setswanan, “ Gehgaketsi.” it means, “I am running like a guinea fowl making an effort.”
Helmeted guineafowl - Wikipedia
Introduced to Western Cape, Madagascar and elsewhere. The helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) is the best known of the guineafowl bird family, Numididae, and the only member of the genus Numida.
Helmeted Guinea-fowl - SANBI
2018年5月20日 · These large, chicken-liked birds can easily be recognised by their relatively large size (53–58 cm), dark grey bodies with white speckles and by their featherless, helmet-like head, which is blue and red in colour. Males have a bigger helmet than the females. These birds also have short, rounded wings and tail feathers.
Kgaka =Guineafowl, pet speckled hen,... - Schoonoord ONline
Kgaka =Guineafowl, pet speckled hen, or original fowl. Guineafowl meat is drier and leaner than chicken meat and has a gamey flavour. It has marginally...
kgaka in English - Northern Sotho-English Dictionary | Glosbe
Check 'kgaka' translations into English. Look through examples of kgaka translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
Nick's Restaurant & Catering, Plot 14447, unit 2, Kamushongo …
Guineafowl Cuisine: dishes like Kgaka Meat and Guineafowl Stew. African Cuisine: traditional African recipes with guineafowl Other Cuisines: Tswana Chicken cuisine
Kgaka =Guineafowl, pet speckled hen, or original fowl. Guineafowl meat …
2019年11月7日 · Kgaka =Guineafowl, pet speckled hen, or original fowl. Guineafowl meat is drier and leaner than chicken meat and has a gamey flavour. It has marginally more protein than chicken or turkey, roughly...
Kgaka - Wikipedia, Ensaeklopedia ya mahala
Kgaka (plural Dikgaka) ke Guineafowl ka Seisimane, kane Tarentaal ka Afrikaans. Letlakala le fetotšwe la mafelelo ka 08:18, 15 Moranang 2021. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms ...
Sesotho-English translation :: kgaka :: Dictionary
kgaka = guinea fowl. The Sesotho to English online dictionary. Check spelling and grammar. Sesotho-English translations. Over 10,000 English
What does kgaka mean? - Definitions.net
Information and translations of kgaka in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.