Kh-101 / Kh-102 - Missile Threat
2024年4月23日 · The Kh-101 / Kh-102 is a line of conventional and nuclear capable air-launched cruise missiles (ALCM) developed and deployed by Russia. A stealthy missile, the Kh-101/ …
Kh-101 - Wikipedia
The Kh-101 (Russian: Х-101; NATO reporting name: AS-23 "Kodiak") is a Russian subsonic air-launched cruise missile. Designed in the 1990s, it underwent testing in the 2000s and entered …
KH-101/102 - Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
The KH-101/102 cruise missile utilizes radar absorbing materials and a low flight path to avoid radar and infrared sensors. It’s multi-faceted guidance system allows for it to weave between …
Kh-101巡航导弹 - 百度百科
Kh-101巡航导弹是由 “彩虹”(Raduga)设计局于1991年开始研制的武器。 采用核战斗部的型号Kh-102(早期被称为Kh-101M)也被提上日程;此外,还有使用常规战斗部的Kh-SD型中程巡 …
升级后的俄罗斯Kh-101巡航导弹系统技术 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年9月30日 · Kh-101是俄罗斯最新研制的 空射巡航导弹,导弹采用隐身设计 和通用化设计,其装备核战斗部的 导弹代号为Kh-102,Kh-101导弹采 用常规战斗部。 Kh-101/102隐身巡 …
Kh-101 / Kh-102 / X-101/102 - GlobalSecurity.org
2022年11月6日 · The Kh-102 variant carries a nuclear warhead with a yield variously reported at from 250 to 450 kT. The cruise missile is believed to have a range of up to 5,500 kilometers …
如何评价Kh-101巡航导弹(俄罗斯 “彩虹”设计局研制的武器)? - 知乎
kh-101是前苏联kh-55改进型,kh-55是一种亚音速的巡航导弹。对标的美帝的agm-86”空射巡航导弹“或者bgm/rgm/rum-109 ”战斧“巡航导弹。 但是除了重量之外,kh-55无论是射程,还是精度 …
Kh-101 / Kh-102 - GlobalSecurity.org
The stealthy airborne Kh-101, in development until recently, was said to be already in service with the Russian Air Force. the Kh-101 could have been launched from Russian territory and hit ...
Kh-101 / Kh-102 Russian Air Launched Cruise Missile - United …
The Kh-101 / Kh-102 Raduga is a new line of conventional and nuclear-capable air-launched cruise missiles (ALCM) developed and deployed by Russia. A stealthy missile, the Kh-101 / Kh …
What are Kalibr and Kh-101 Cruise Missiles and What's Made …
The Kh-101 (known as the Kh-102 in its thermonuclear payload variant) is a strategic, ultra-long-range cruise missile introduced into service with the Russian military in 2013, and...