Neumann KH 310A Review (Powered Monitor)
2020年11月21日 · It was. KH310 can handle quite a lot more in bass. Unfortunatly, the old K+H archive is down, measurements were available there. Directivity is similar, but with constant …
A Blind Test Attempt: Neumann KH310+Sub vs KH120+Sub, and …
2020年7月16日 · KH310 simply does not sound shrill, and that was the main reason I prefer the KH310 in my test. Sighted Listening: When listening to other genres of music, the gap …
Neumann KH310+KH750 2.2 vs Genelec 8331a+7350a 2.2 vs
2024年12月29日 · I recently switched from 2x KH310 + 2x KH750 to just 2x KH120II in a small room (3x5m). In the Neumann system my recommendation is, try 2x KH150 and MA1 without …
Genelec 8341A vs Neumann KH80DSP vs KH310A, Impressions …
2020年7月16日 · The KH310 seems to have bigger up-and-downs from 200Hz to 600Hz. The listening impressions were quite interesting. Though the frequency response of the …
Best mid-tier monitors : Genelec 8350A vs Neumann KH310
2020年10月12日 · I own the two-way Genelec 8330A’s, the three-way coaxial 8351B’s, and have owned the three-way Neumann KH310’s. Between two-way Genelec’s and thee-way …
Neumann KH 750 DSP + KH 310 A review - KH 310 A review
2020年6月9日 · 2. Neumann KH310 | DSpeaker Antimode 2.0 3. Dan Clark Stealth | Sennheiser HD 800 S | Focal Clear Professional | Sennheiser HD 650 | RME ADI-2 DAC 4. Dan Clark …
Neumann KH 150+kh750 2.1 vs Neumann KH310?
2023年7月2日 · On KH150 vs KH310, the 310 is better, but has little low subbass on it's own. If you can live with a reponse to 40Hz and don't want very loud volume, i would go for the 310, …
KH310 passive alternative? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2021年3月14日 · The KH310 is entirely analog - they are, however, active crossovers. Anyway OP your options are, well... limited, at that price point. I'd be looking more at active 2-ways in …
A Blind Test Attempt: Neumann KH310+Sub vs KH120+Sub, and …
2020年1月6日 · The tweeters on the KH310, KH120, and my long-gone Tannoy Gold 8 all sounded too bright to my ears. Those waveguide and coaxial design perserve too much high …
Hedd Type 20 vs KH310 | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2020年4月26日 · Moving to one of the two, not sure which. I was on the phone with Vintage King yesterday and their rep said the Hedds were basically "Adam, but better". We know the KH310 …