Kawasaki Ki-102 - Wikipedia
Three versions were planned: the Ki-102 Kō day fighter, Ki-102 Otsu ground-attack, and Ki-102 Hei night fighter. This aircraft's Allied reporting name was Randy. The Ki-102 entered service in 1944 but saw limited action. The main type (Ki-102 Otsu) was kept in reserve to protect Japan, although it did see some limited duty in the Okinawa campaign.
日本川崎Ki-102四式高空夜间战斗机 - 百度百科
Ki-102服役后不管是侧重什么任务进行武装的型号,都立即投入到了截击B-29的战斗中去了,Ki-102的火力非常强大,高空爬升性能很好,可以很快爬升到B-29的飞行高度,不过高空平飞速度不是很快,攻击B-29多数采取迎击的方式,攻击开火次数有限,这种情况下侧重对战车任务的Ki-102反而更有拦截威力,因为B-29体积庞大,命中不困难,但要迅速击落目标则需要弹丸威力很大,而57mm机关炮的射速虽然不高,但射程远威力大,只要1发57mm炮弹命中B-29关键部位 …
Ki-102 B - Kancolle Wiki
2024年11月15日 · 日本陸軍が二式複戦「屠龍」をベースに開発した試作双発戦闘機キ96。 制式採用に至らなかった本機をさらに発展させ、高速の有力な襲撃機として完成した機体が、このキ102乙です。 57mm機関砲と多数の機関砲を備え、また高速かつ十分な爆装も可能な本機は、決戦に備え温存され、その火力と運動性で奮戦が期待されました。 The Ki-96 prototype twin-engine fighter was developed using the Imperial Japanese Army's Type 2 two-seat fighter …
二战兵器全集,日本川崎Ki-102攻击机 - 网易
2020年2月12日 · 川崎Ki-102b设计目标是执行近距支援任务的双座攻击机,其设计参考是此前的Ki-96双发单座战斗机,不过Ki-96仅制造了3架样机就放弃发展。 Ki-102样机与Ki-96有很多相同之处,也制造了3架,首架1944年3月试制成功,为中单翼常规可收放尾轮起落架布局,装两台三 …
Warplanes of Japan: Kawasaki Ki-102 - silverhawkauthor.com
Three versions were planned: the Ki-102 Kō day fighter, Ki-102 Otsu ground-attack and Ki-102 Hei night fighter. This aircraft's Allied reporting name was "Randy". The Ki-102 entered service in 1944, but saw limited action. The main type (Ki-102 Otsu) was kept in reserve to protect Japan, although it did see somelimited duty in the Okinawa campaign.
Kawasaki Ki-102 (Randy) - Military Factory
2017年4月5日 · The Ki-102b became a follow-up specialized ground attack variant fitting 1 x 57mm Ho-401 cannon as well as 2 x 20mm Ho-5 cannons. 1 x 12.7mm Ho-103 (Type 1) heavy machine gun was allocated to the rear cockpit for self-defense against trailing enemy fighters.
Japanese Aircraft of WWII: Kawasaki Ki-102 Redux
2015年3月3日 · Derived from the Ki-96 twin-engine single-seat fighter, development of which was abandoned after three prototypes had been completed, the Kawasaki Ki-102 was intended as a two-seat attack fighter for primary deployment in the close-support role.
Kawasaki Ki-102 Randy Fighter-attack Aircraft - AirPages
Ki-102 Randy is a heavy twin-engined all-metal attack aircraft. The first flight was in the spring of 1944, the operation was from the fall of 1944 until the end of the war. At the end of 1942, work on the improved Ki-45-II was curtailed and a decision was made on its basis to develop the Ki-96 single-seat twin-engine heavy fighter.
Ki-102 Ground Attack Aircraft | World War II Database - WW2DB
Derived from the Ki-96 twin-engine single-seat heavy fighter project, development of which had been abandoned after three prototypes had been completed, the Ki-102 was intended as a two-seat attack fighter for primary deployment in a close-support role.
Kawasaki Ki-102 | Aircraft of World War II - WW2Aircraft.net Forums
2010年1月22日 · The Kawasaki Ki-102 was a Japanese warplane of World War II. It was a twin-engine, two-seat, long-range heavy fighter developed to replace the Ki-45 Toryu. Three versions were planned: the Ki-102a day fighter, Ki-102b ground-attack and Ki-102c night fighter. This aircraft's Allied reporting name was "Randy".