Tokyo Koku Ki-107 - Wikipedia
The Tokyo Koku Ki-107 was a Japanese military training aircraft for the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force. [1] The Ki-107 was a wooden-built, low-wing, two-seat monoplane with an open cockpit. [1] Powered by a Hitachi Hatsukaze Ha-47 (Ha-11) inline piston engine, it …
大日本帝国的神奇造物——海军特攻兵器 - 知乎
目的是用潜水员潜入水下,直接炸断美帝登陆舰的龙骨。 具体来说是这样:穿着潜水服拿着一根头部绑着炸药的长杆去捅爆英美鬼畜的屁眼! ♂! 哎呦我操是谁那么脑残想出这个的? 据当年的老兵回忆,这种称为“五式击雷”的神器始终神龙见首不见尾。 更加蛋疼的是,潜水服自带氧气瓶和二氧化碳吸收供气系统。 而且还要配上6公斤的铅和流体食物供给系统,重量进一步增加。 总体算下来,这套潜水服共计58千克,一名日本兵当时也就是50-60多千克的水平,相当于背着一个死. …
Tokyo Koku Ki.107 Info - daveswarbirds.com
The Tokyo Koku Ki-107 was a Japanese military training aircraft for the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force. The Ki-107 was a wooden-built low-wing two-seat monoplane with an open cockpit. Powered by a Hitachi Hatsukaze Ha-47 (Ha-11) inline piston engine it first flew in October 1943.
“特殊兵器”“エロ飞弹”ki-147/148空对地反舰导弹 - 哔哩哔哩
这种较轻的 750 公斤火箭可以搭载在速度更快、机一枚动性更强的轻型轰炸机甚至重型战斗机上。 然而,几乎所有的试飞都是在同一架 Ki-67 上进行的。
Kokusai Ta-Go - Aviation - airports, aircraft, helicopters ...
2015年11月9日 · This same engine was used in the Tokyo Koku Ki-107 all-wood two-seat trainer which was to be the replacement for the Ki-86 had the former made it into service. In addition to the size reduction, steps were taken to simplify the Та-Go even more.
Kawasaki Ki-10 - Wikipedia
The Kawasaki Ki-10 (九五式戦闘機, Kyūgo-shiki sentōki, Army Type 95 Fighter) was the last biplane fighter used by the Imperial Japanese Army, entering service in 1935. Built by Kawasaki Kōkūki Kōgyō K.K. for the Imperial Japanese Army, it saw combat service in Manchukuo and in North China during the early stages of the Second Sino-Japanese War.
TOKYO KOKU aircraft catalog from A to Z. Aircraft specifications …
Tokyo Koku planes technical data. Aircraft database. Aircraft wingspan, length, height, wing area, weight, engine, maximum speed, practical range
Kokusai Ta-Go - Wikipedia
The Kokusai Ta-Go was a prototype Japanese kamikaze aircraft of World War II. It was developed in 1945 as a small, easy to build aircraft which could be built in large numbers in small workshops, and was largely built of wood to reduce demands on strategic materials.
What’s in a Name? – Japan | Plane Dave
2014年9月2日 · For a short designation every aircraft received a “Ki” number. I believe this was just pure sequential order they were bought by the military. The good part of this is its pretty easy to just tell a “Ki-27” is a pre-war type and a “Ki-107” is something pretty late.
BIg Country 107.7 | KICD-FM | Spencer, IA
BIG Country 107.7 wants to salute the “everyday Hard Workin’ Hero” in northwest Iowa and southwest Minnesota! Working hard doesn’t…